
Thursday 25 January 2018

[Story] Romance In The Circle – Episode 7

Episode 7
Dayo walked out of the hall and got outside in
search of her friend,
Hadiza. She searched franctically for her friend
but couldn’t find her,
just when she wanted to dial her number she
saw a body lying in between
two cars. Curiosity got the better of her and
she walked in the
direction of the body.
“Oh! my God.” She exclaimed as she saw the
body, a girl in a pool
of blood.
“Hadiza! somebody help….. Help.” She
screamed at the top of her
Her voice grew so loud that despite the loud
music blaring inside the
hall, people still managed to help. Hundreds of
students trooped out and
went to check the reason for the screams.
What they saw put many away
and they took to their heels while a few who
are brave enough put a call
through to the police but they didn’t wait for
the arrival of the
police because they knew they’ll surely pay a
price which is chilling in
the police cell for at least twenty four hours.
That was all Dayo saw before she passed out
and was rushed to the
hospital by her friends before the arrival of the
+++Back in their hostel+++
Chioma was standing near the window tears
in her eyes just like
everyone else in the room. They’ve been
mourning the death of their
friend, Hadiza. An easy going girl who hardly
talked, she doesn’t talk
during lectures, she had no friend in her
department neither an enemy.
She was not the shy type but she was an
introvert. She only talked when
she is around her friends.
“Seriously, am going home.” Chioma
Everyone has been minding their business and
silence has taken over
the room until Chioma broke the silence.
“Going home? To do what?” Tola asked.
“Don’t you know the school is no longer safe
for any of us. Let us
all leave the school for a while and let the
police find whoever that
is responsible for Hadiz death. But…” Chioma
was saying when she broke
down in tears.
“I agree with you. But its late already. Early
tomorrow morning
we’ll all leave and attend lectures from home
till the time of our
exams.” Tola replied.
Just then Dayo’s phone rang. Everyone’s
attention turned to her.
“Hello please who is this? Yes it me Oladayo.”
She said on picking
the call.
She dropped the call after three minutes.
“The CSO(Chief Security Officer) wants to see
me in his office
now.” Dayo announced.
“Its almost 8pm.” Chioma said.
“Lemme go quickly. I’ll be back before nine.”
She replied as she
wore her flip flop slippers and walked out of
the room.
“Dayo wait. We’ll all go with you.” Tola said.
“Don’t bother. I’ll be fine.” She replied.
+++At the CSO office+++
The CSO, Mr Bankole was seated in his office
with the President of
the Student’s Union Government and two men.
“Thank God you came. Dayo, I believe this
man needs no
introduction.” Bankole began. Pointing to the
SUG president.
Dayo nodded in affirmative.
“This is Inspector Clement and Sergeant Mike.
They are men of the Nigerian police force.”
Bankole went on.
“Good evening Sirs.” Dayo greeted the two
“Evening. How you doing Dayo?” Clement
“Am fine sir” She replied.
“We were here yeaterday but we were told you
are in the hospital. Hope you are good now.”
“Perfectly okay.” She replied.
“I learnt you are the one who discovered your
friend’s corpse. Tell us more about it.”
Clement went straight to the point.
Dayo said all that need to be said about the
party, the guy that took the late Hadiza
outside to talk but she kept the part when
Deoye sent her a message that he’ll kill her.
At exactly 9:15pm, Dayo was asked to go.
Since her hostel is a stone throw from the
CSO’s office, she decided to trek down home.
–to be continued–.

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