
Showing posts with label Romantic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Romantic. Show all posts

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

My Father Has Been Testing My Virginity Every Year – Nigerian Girl Cries Out

A female adult whose father is closely monitoring her s*x life cries out

A watch has been placed on her virginity for future purposes. She has had s*x with her boyfriend and she is not close to stopping.

Read her story below:

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Read How 3 Friends Slept With The Same Girl, In The Same House, The Same Day

A Twitter user identified as David on Twitter has shared the real life story of how three of his friends slept with the same girl, in the same house… on the same day… at different time intervals.

According to David, it all started with a bet that was made between two friends on that particular girl and then, there came the third, who said he should try his luck on her too…

But when it was David’s turn, things got complicated and later on… he received the shock of his life! Read his story below and tell us what you think…

The girl should be atleast 24yrs then… My guy brought her home, I don’t know how long or short time they’ve known each other but he had s2@x with her that very day he brought her home for the first time

So my guy to my other guy that he had s2@x with this girl for the first time he came home with him… Then my other guy said he can also have s2@x with her anytime she brings her home after wooing her, the first guy said it’s a lie, then the other guy asked for her number

The first guy gave out the number and the bet was on 1k bet… So the other guy called her a week later invited her to the same house… The girl came and never acted as if she had been in that house before, same room

The guy bought her coke and gala… Then they had s2@x that same day,so this very 2nd guy went outside to call the 1st guy that he has won the bet that the so called girl is in the room and I was the witness cus I was hearing her her moaning from the parlour

So the 1st came to confirm… He went inside asif he was looking for something… You know nah guys flat, so he opened the door so her laying down and the girl be like where have you been, I wanted to surprise you with a visit she said.

My guy aka the first guy was shocked but still played along, he said she should have called next time but no shit, then ask who bought the coke and gala for you, she said she bought it while coming… My guy played along

Meanwhile the 2nd guy went outside listening to their conversation from the window, I was in the parlour laughing to the drama cus it was funny

Then this guy closed the door, then had s2@x with the girl… The other guy was watching from the window seeing the whole thing, then when he was done he came out and then called the other guy to come in

So they both started laughing and gisting me everything inside the parlour where I was… I was like is she mad ni… Then one of the friend of the 1st knocked and came into the house, they narrated the story to him, he was like wtf, the girl cheap bdat ooo

If I try my luck me sef fit fuck her ooo he said… The two guys said he should enter and try is luck… I was like are guys mad ni, they lol and the 3rd guy went in, we heard him talking to the and the convo was normal and till the girl started crying, me thinking she won’t

Accept until we heard nothing ooo, next thing she started moaning, the 3rd guy was already digging, the 3rd lasted longer on her and she was making with the sound of enjoyment… I was shocked at the door side where I was getting the whole sound effect of the s2@x

The guy came out sweating and smiling with his jeans sagging down with his boxers… I was like like seriously wtf, he went to the fridge to water and started Gist the 3 of us… Now it was my time to go in to try.

They were telling me go you go fuck am… I said OK so I went in found her n22ked, cup cake boobs and smooth skin and curve portable ass.

Then I said sup angel… She looked up and started crying, you too, plss don’t, I was shocked and be like what kinda luck do I have like this, my dick went down instantly.

Deep inside my mind, if I try to force her it’s gonna be a rape thing which I can’t cus I don’t see sense in having forceful s2@x when the other party is not interested and in pain.

Meanwhile other guys had already been looking from the window side from outside cus the cotton was slightly opened, I stood looking at her, thinking of the worst that can happen but with the tears dropping from her eyes I couldn’t think less.

So I approached her, sat on the bed, picked her clothes, her bra and black pant, told her, I won’t touch you, I can’t stand you crying and still wanna have s2@x with you… She said thank you sir.

So she started dressing up, helped her pinned her bra, watched her dressed up from her n22kedness.

Then I cleaned her face… Sat her down, asked her if she wanted anything, she said she’s OK but I should get her cold water and then powder to make up that she wanna start going that her madam will be worried about her by now.

I stood up, went to get her powder and went to the parlour to the kitchen to get her water… Opened the door met all the guys and they be like what happened,what’s all the rubbish, am I trying to form the boy is good or what.

I said no… That me I want her to relax before I s2@x her… They knew I was lying so they started going out of the flat one by one, so I went for the water, came back in, we started talking normal as if nothing happened.

So she was feeling fine and normal, then she said can she wait a little longer, I was like but your madam nko, she said I should forget her joor, that she’s even tired of her.

She started telling me how her madam was hard on her… I asked madam of what, she said she works in a saloon… I said OK, we chatted for like another hour, then I reminded her it’s getting dark you should start going but she should give me her number so I can get back to her.

She gave me her number then asked for tfare… I gave her 1k two 500… I saw her off to where she can’t get bike going to fagba…

2hrs later I called her she dint pick… Called her again she dint pick, so I waited for another 1hr so I then called again… ONLY for me to hear what I will never forget in my life.

Hello who is this, I said me David the guy who saw you off after that little incident in so so place… She said you the impotent guy who can’t fuck, you are useless plss don’t call my fone again… Impotent oshi… I said ehnn? Hello, she cut the call.

I almost killed myself that day with serious deep thinking… Me impotent, me David oghe impotent, I called her back, the fone rang then switched off… I could not tell any of those 3guys what happened after they left.

I was called an impotent for doing the right… but men in general are still scum

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Sunday, 8 October 2017

Two 18 Year Old Le$.b!an Girls C@ught K!ssing Each Other Passionately In Public (Photo)

Somewhere in South Africa, two teenage girls identified as 18-year-old, Motsatsi Pheeha and 19-year-old Meso Itumrleng, took to their social media account to share pictures of them kissing on the road.
These two teenage girls were not only pictured kissing each other but they were also seen smooching each other and did not care if anyone was watching them.
Wondering where their parents could be tho!
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Saturday, 7 October 2017

Pastor D0ing It With a Married Woman During Deliverance Service (See Photo)

A so called man of God identified as Pastor Attah, has been busted as he was forcefully having carnal knowledge of a female church member he was conducting a special deliverance for in his church at Oron Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. Pastor Attah reportedly relocated from
Cameroon, where he had spent many years to establish the church called The Salvation Light of the World Ministries, and has been performing signs and wonders, drawing members from far and near but no one knew he was hiding behind the church to perpetrate evil.
From what we gathered, he had given the woman a special delivery assignment which she was to carry out with dry fasting. After the seventh day, as the woman was sleeping in the church, Pastor Attah who was supposed to be praying with her, sneaked to the weak woman, and told her the holy spirit told him to have s*x with her to complete her deliverance. The shocked woman allegedly refused and he tore her clothes and forcefully r*ped her while she tried in vain to fight him off. She managed to scream and some neighbours who heard her rushed to the church to see Pastor Attah on to of her
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Thursday, 5 October 2017

Photos: Teenage Secondary School Student P0sts Half N^ ked Pictures On Facebook To Celebrate Her Birthday

A little Girl on facebook named Nthabiseng Matlou is currently going viral after she posted these controversial photos to celebrate her birthday, her facebook profile says she graduated from shegong secondary school, which is a big lie because as of september 5th she posted some photos of herself wearing school uniform with her boyfriend cuddling her
Since is my birthday today…I’ve decided to show off some of my skin. Because I was born naked 😆😅 — feeling thankful.
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Nigerian Woman Exp0ses Young Lady Sending Her Husband N* Photos S*x chatt!ng w!th Him (See Photo)

According to one of our facebook user who sent in this video a woman who has exposed her husband’s side chick;
“Dear Nigeria, I hope this gets posted…. This idiot sent this picture and video to my husband and I want it posted so that she will learn her lesson…..
Wen I confronted her she even cursed me, her name is blessing. I have been married for three years to my husband,had five miscarriages and dis is what I get in return…..
I don’t want my name to be revealed because I don’t want my husband to send me packing,he will surely see this post because he’s on your blog. She cursed me and said I should do my worst. Or use my mothers maiden name, Otakoya”
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Monday, 2 October 2017

SHOCKING! 8 Unbelievable Things That Happen To Your Body During S*X – No 4 Is Most Deadly {Read And See If You Want To Continue Having S3x}

Things that happen to your body during s*x: Ever wondered what happens to your body during a steamy session between the sheets? From the good (happy hormones! increased sensitivity!) to the not-so-good (increased risk of ur!nary tract infections, for example), here are eight things that happen when you’re having s*x.

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Guys, 7 Powerful Skills To Last Longer In Bed

Let’s take a look at the seven key skills I teach guys wanting to learn how to last longer in bed and exactly how they will help you boost your control once you try them yourself. If you have a hard time lasting in bed this is going to be a real game changer for you, however you may gain more benefit and find it easier to understand if you first learn about what causes men to ejaculate early and also understand the stages of arousal during sex and how you can change what your body does during each of them.
7 Skills That Will Boost Your Lasting Time 

I teach all of the following skills as part of my Beyond Delay training program but you can get something out of reading this whether you intend to use the program or not. All that matters is that you understand you are not stuck with this problem and you should never “just except it” like so many men have done in the past. 

1. Breathing and relaxation techniques are a simple way to last longer 

One of the quickest and simplest ways to make an improvement to your lasting time is to ensure your are breathing correctly both before and during intercourse. Most guys with premature ejaculation get this dead wrong and it can straight out sabotage your efforts to make it through the all important first two minutes of sex. 

There’s a lot more to it than just taking deep breaths, but the good news is it’s relative easy to learn the correct techniques once you know what to focus on. Unlike some of the more advanced methods I teach to help men last longer in bed(which can take a few weeks to master) guys can generally pick this up within an hour, which means it can start helping you out straight away. 

Once you’ve got the breathing down pat I then show guys how to turn it up a notch with a few simple relaxation and meditative techniques that, once learned will put you in a Zen like state of confidence at the flick of a switch. 

2. Ejaculatory muscle control 

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself “What physically causes me to ejaculate?” If you’re like most of the guys I coach to last longer in bed, the answer will be a resounding “No”. 

You see it all comes down to one simple muscle. And get this… when this muscle is in a relaxed state it is physically impossible for you to ejaculate. It’s called the pubococcygeus or PC muscle and is responsible for releasing seaman during your ejaculation. 

So the key is to learn how to keep the PC muscle nice and relaxed during sex. Now this isn’t as easy as it sounds because this muscle is one of the most difficult in the body to control, but it can be done through a range of specific exercises. 

It can take up to 4 weeks to get this right and it is one of the more advanced skills I teach, but once this clicks into place, you’ll understand why it’s the key to not just trying to last longer, but taking complete control, where you will decide exactly when you are ready to finish, every time. 

3. Creating mental control and confidence 

In the old days, premature ejaculation was often entirely put down to mental issues, and men with PE were prescribed sessions with psychiatrists or sometimes even hypnotherapy. As you might guess, this didn’t work very well and you have to feel for guys with premature ejaculation in those days who didn’t have access to the type of modern information and training methods that I am now showing you. 

While premature ejaculation is primarily physical, that doesn’t mean that the mental side of it is not important. It is. Because the way you manage your thoughts, focus and confidence levels during intercourse, can really sabotage your other efforts to last longer when not kept in check. 

The approach I use in my Beyond Delay guide is to teach guys a set of practical ways to control to control their thoughts during sex. While these techniques are a piece of cake to learn and start using, when they really come into their own is when you start combining them with the physical skills I teach, because at the end of the day nothing is going to create mental confidence in yourself like knowing you have up your sleeve, the physical skills, techniques and ability to perform every time. 

And remember, this isn’t about correcting some deep rooted psychological abnormality lurking at the back of your mind, because I can tell you now, that is not the case. In fact all guys, weather they suffer from premature ejaculation or not can benefit learning how to regulate thoughts, perceptions and confidence levels during sex. 

4. Understanding your sexual responses and how to take action 

It may not seem like it right now, but your body is actually on your side. It wants you to be able to last longer in bed which is why it sends you a range of subtle signals. The problem is that most guys are completely oblivious to them and let the messages go straight through to the catcher. 

It’s not difficult to learn how to read these messages you sexual response system is sending you and once you can, you’ll realize how easy it can be to make a small change that can shut problems down right at the source, before they have the chance to influence the ejaculatory muscles. 

With a few weeks practice you’ll find yourself getting really good at this and you’ll understand in an instant when to implement the right control technique or cool down method. 

5. Getting yourself in the zone ( Its the key to maintaining control during hard, pounding sessions) 

Now when I first explain this next skill most guys don’t get it. But once they begin to understand how this helps everything “click” into place they quickly realize that it’s one of the most powerful skills you can develop to remove that anxiousness of thinking about the clock and putting yourself right into the moment so you can enjoy every bit of it. 

You see most guys (and even a few so called experts) who don’t really understand how your sexual response system works will often tell you to try to distract yourself during intercourse, yet as I explain in my Beyond Delay program this is the worst thing you can do and what you really need to be doing the exact opposite. 

By taking your thoughts away from just you’re genitals and your perceived sensation on them and transferring them to your whole body experience you will relax and get into that “lost in the moment” type state. This might all sound a bit new age and wishy washy but trust me it’s not. It’s really easy to put yourself into this state with a few simple tricks and once you realize how much better sex can be, there will be no going back. 

If that’s not enough to make you want to learn this skill then I’m sure what I have to say next will…. 

This method is also the key to maintaining control during those deep, hard and pounding love-making sessions, so they’ll be none of that slowly poking away business that you are probably forced to settle for now. 

6. Sexual techniques and tactics 

You will be surprised at how much of an impact various positions can have on your ability to last in bed and there is a very good reason for this. While every guy is different, as a rule the positions that will cause you to ejaculate sooner are ones that require you to tense muscles in a few specific areas. What I show guys is exactly which positions can cause problems and how you can make a few small changes in technique to correct this. 

After a few weeks of working on the other skills I have mentioned here you should have built up to such a degree that you can maintain control during any position and tempo. Having said that you will find that knowing a few of these positions is useful up until that point as it will allow you to keep a solid pace during sex without you needing to carry on with that stopping and starting business that women hate. 

7. Instant cool down methods that stop the clock 

I’m sure you all recognize the feeling only too well. Your heart rate jumps, you feel your stomach muscles tense up and you realize you are fast approaching that dreaded point of no return, all too aware that there’s nothing you can do to stop it. 

It’s for moments like these that knowing some instant cool down methods is vital. What most guys don’t realize is that there’s a range of quick actions you can take that will cool your system down fast and they can all be learned in just a few minutes, meaning you can put them into action right away. 

It’s also a great feeling knowing you have these “up your sleeve”, whether you use them or not, so you can just relax in the knowledge that no matter what happens you are prepared with an extra line of defence. As I tell the guys I coach – “Don’t even think about getting into bed without have these in your bag of tricks”. 

Putting it into action 

It’s hard to find helpful and accurate advice online regarding how to last longer in bed. It seems everywhere you look someone is repeating old-fashioned myths, giving incorrect advice or trying to scam you into buying pills and creams that don’t work. 

I hope that reading this has shown you that there is a better way and that this problem is completely fixable if you are willing to put in a small amount of effort and work towards learning all of these skills. 

For those of you wanting to learn more, I explain all of these skills in detail and exactly how you can put them into action in my Beyond Delay Program. 

Or if you have any comments, questions or are unsure about the skills outlined above and how they work, you can get in touch with me here.

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Thursday, 28 September 2017

5 Kissing Types every lady wishes to have once in a lifetime

Ladies love Kissing, even men do. But have you ever known that Ladies prefer certain Kissing styles over the others? It’s not just bringing your lips to hers but there are certain kissing secrets that every lady dreams day and night to have much as various men are so hesitant to provide them with such, hitherto now she has never got one. Here I am going to discuss five kissing types every lady dreams of.
1. Kiss in the rain. It’s raining, and instead of shielding her from the rain, you lift her head, look at her face and kiss her passionately, then as you kiss her, try to dry her hair with your hand while the other hand is holding her in the waist as you try to lift her. Every lady dreams of that and this will make her feel heavens in your hands.
2. Pressing her against the wall. The ladies like s3x with force and so do to kissing. Get her lifted in the air, press her against the wall with great force, kiss her passionately, keep pressing her against the wall as you spread her legs apart and enter in your pelvis part in hers (with clothes on) then continue kissing her. This will be the memorable moment for her.
3. Kiss her amidst the quarrel. She is quarreling over things that have gone wrong, then she is getting mad at you, come and get hold of hands, she will try to attack you back or try to flee knowing that you are going to attack her, this is time to challenge, hold her close and kiss her, her force will be neutralized by the Kiss to zero balance, then their you can kiss her for more than 10 minutes before laying her to bed. She will spend more 5 years without quarreling after such a kiss.
4. Kiss her from the back. Approach her from the back when she lest expects you. Then kiss her neck, then her check before she turns around to see you clearly. All women love surprise kisses but do it with care before you get surprised first. This can be better done when you find her deep thinking and kiss her from the behind as you hold her in the waist. Your Kiss will make her feel happy and your arms around her will make her comfortable in your arms.
5. Kiss her in Public/ in front of your friends. The public does not necessarily mean a meeting or in the church, but where some other people can see you. Let it be an outing in an expensive restaurant on a busy day. Tell her to stand up before she knows what you are about to do then kiss her in front of people. It makes a sense when there are your friends around or even relatives. She will feel secure in your future.
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Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Seven Things You Need To Know About S*x If You Are Married

S*x for most married people tends to take the back seat in the scheme of things. It’s always about the children, and the family.

Sometimes, couples even sleep apart from each other after a few months or years of being together. You may have a genuine reason for that, but I’m not sure it’s a healthy arrangement for your marriage and your health.

S*x has a lot of benefits, and being married shouldn’t deny you of them. Below are 7 benefits of s*x you probably didn’t know of.

Seven Things You Need To Know About S*x If You Are Married

1. It Builds Your Libido

Now, there are people who don’t really want to have s*x often because they’re not interested in it naturally. For people like this, part of the advice from experts is to try to do it as often as possible to change their feelings towards it. It may not be easy at first, so they take something to enhance it, but over time, you find that they grow into it naturally because they would have come to like it.

2. Sex Makes You Look Younger

The common thinking is it makes one look older, but that is untrue. In a research that was carried out, subjects who had frequent s*x at least three times a week for people in their 40s and 50s look between four and seven years younger than those who had less.

Researchers suspects the endorphins and feel-good chemicals released during intimacy, plus sex’s beneficial effects on sleep and stress levels. Also, it helps increase blood flow, and regulates hormones, which makes the skin look better.

 3. It’ll Strengthen Your Union Even More

Oxytocin, also known as the love hormone, is released during physical intimacy and skin-to-skin contact and it can help increase romantic feelings between you and your partner.

If you want to increase your bond, you must also cuddle after sex. A University of Toronto study found that couples who were asked to spend extra time together after s*x, kissing, talking, and being affectionate reported higher levels of satisfaction with their sex lives and with their relationships.

4. Sex May Increase Your Lifespan

Several studies have found connections between a busier s*x life and a longer life in general. Researchers found that for men, frequency of intercourse was related to longer life spans; while for women, enjoyment of intercourse was the most significant factor.

5. Sex Helps Relieve Pain

People often skip s*x because of headaches, but according to research, going through with it may actually help them feel better. When study volunteers chose to have sex during a headache episode, about 60% of migraine sufferers and 30% of cluster headache sufferers reported partial or total relief.

Endorphins released during orgasm, as well as increased blood flow to the genital area, likely play a role in sex’s pain-relieving power.

6. Sex May Save You From Cancer

Some studies have suggested that men who ejaculate more frequently may have a reduced risk of prostate cancer although the difference appears to be very small, and others haven’t found a conclusive link.

The benefits may be clearer for breast cancer prevention, however: A French study found that women who had s*x at least once a month were less likely to develop breast cancer than those who didn’t. And while the disease is rare in men, those who orgasm less than six times a month appear to be at increased risk of breast cancer compared to those who do so more often, according to a Greek study.

7. It Helps Burn Calories

I can’t think of a better way to lose weight really. If you have a partner with you always, and you’re looking to shed some of that excessive weight, why not try s*x? It’s a physical activity, so, you sweat, and engage your muscles, which is very good for shedding weight.

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Tuesday, 29 August 2017

12 Tips To Cooking A Romantic Meal

If you want to create a romantic meal for your loved one, you will have to do a little bit of planning. Selecting the meal you want to cook, preparing that meal, and setting the mood all play a part in creating a lovely, romantic evening.

Below are 12 tips to cook that romantic meal and blow your partner away

1. Be Aware Of Your Partner’s Allergies

Before you begin flipping your way through your favorite recipe books, you should first take some time to consider the food allergies that your partner may have.

You wouldn’t want to spend the time making a delicate peanut butter pie for dessert only to remember that your partner is allergic to peanuts. Make a list of the food allergies your partner has, if any, and cross check any recipe you are considering with that list.

2. Pick Out A dish(es) You know You Can Cook Well

When considering what to cook, stick to dishes that you have tried before. Testing out a new recipe on your loved one may result in a disastrous but potentially memorable meal. Choosing a simple meal can make the whole process a bit less stressful.

Consider meals that you have cooked in the past that are simple to make but look fancy. Or, think about making a variation of a meal that you have not tried that you feel confident you can prepare well.

3. Decide How Many Courses You Are Going To Serve

If you are planning on serving several courses, try to pick out courses the compliment each other. Once you have picked out your main dish, consider selecting an appetizer(s) and dessert to accompany the main course.

Consider the ingredients that you will be using in your main dish, and then try to find appetizers and desserts that pair well.

4. Plan Out What You Will Drink With Your Meal

If you are the legal drinking age, consider pairing your meal with a nice bottle of wine. The wine you choose will depend on the kind of food you are eating. If you don’t like wine, or cannot legally buy it, consider making a fancy non-alcoholic beverage, like a fruit juice.

5. Consider Testing Out A Couple Of Dishes Before The Big Night

If you are deciding between a couple of dishes, or are thinking about trying a recipe you have never tried before, you may want to try cooking them before your romantic evening if you have the time.

Doing a test run can help you to figure out whether the dish will go over well. Practicing the preparation of your meal will also help you to resolve any challenges you face during while cooking, such as overcooking or undercooking the meat, or leaving the noodles in the pot too long.

6. Pick Out Quality Ingredients

Once you have picked out the dishes you will be preparing, go shopping for supplies. The ingredients you select should be good quality and fresh.

For example, if you are planning on cooking beef, select a nice cut. If possible, go shopping a day or two before your romantic meal. Remember that the freshness of your ingredients could change the flavor of your meal, so always try to pick out the freshest items.

7. Limit The Amount Of Salt You Use

Everyone has a different opinion about how much salt is too much salt. Try to err on the side of too little salt, as this can always be remedied by adding more. Place a salt shaker on the table so that your partner can choose to add salt if he or she feels like it.

8. Arrange The Food On The Plate Or Place The Food In Serving Dishes

If you the food you are cooking is hot, consider putting it in serving dishes that will keep it warm until you are ready to eat.

On the other hand, if your appetizers, or even your main dish, are cold, consider arranging them so that they look beautiful on the plate. You could even put a flower on the plate next to the food to give the arrangement an extra touch.

9. Set The Table

Generally, you will want to try to do this before you begin cooking. Lay out a nice tablecloth and consider adding placemats where you will both be sitting. Try to match the plates and bowls, and lay out the necessary cutlery.

10. Light Some Candles

Candles are a lovely touch that you can add to heighten the romantic feel of your dinner. Dim the lights and place candles in accent spots around the room and on your table.

Keep in mind, however, to try to use candles that do not have too strong of a scent. Candles that are heavily scented can interfere with the taste of your dinner. Stick to neutral, light smells, or unscented candles.

11. Set Out Flowers Or Use Rose Petals

For an extra special dinner, place freshly cut flowers in a vase and put it on the table. However, try to keep the vase and flowers short so that they do not block your view of your loved one while you eat. You can also get rose petals that you can sprinkle on the table, or place on your partner’s plate.

12. Put On Some Music

Play music that you both like, but put it on a low setting so that it does not interfere or distract from your conversation. Consider putting on music that does not rely heavily on lyrics, such as jazz, classical music, or spanish guitar.

Credit: WikiHow

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Monday, 28 August 2017

5 Signs Your Child Is Being S3xually Abused

In recent times, child abuse has become more prominent and one of the worst nightmares for parents, while parents do everything to ensure the safety of their children but still terrible things still happen to them. Statistics have shown that child s3xual abuse are rampant these days and it’s becoming difficult for children to stay safe these days.

“So apart from making sure your child is safe, what else can you do?” You need to watch your children closely and know different signs of s3xual abuse you should watch out for in children and take immediate actions.

Bruises: “The first and most obvious signs of s3xual abuse would be bruises on the body, specifically on the arms, from holding and using force, now children can also get bruises while playing and jumping around so pay attention and notice how often the child comes home with bruises”.

Swelling in genital and/or chest area: One of the major telltale signs of child abuse is swelling or bruising in the genital and/or chest area and you should also look out for scratches or signs of force around the areas as well redness in that area can mean pinching or rubbing by an adult.

Difficulties in sitting or walking: If you notice your child finds it difficult to sit or walk, it could mean that he/she is being s3xually abused so you should check for bruises, or get his/her checked by a doctor ASAP.

He/she has become quiet or secretive: This is a silent sign of abuse, when you child becomes very quiet, distant and secretive then take some time out to find out what is happening with that child. “If your child does not feel comfortable sharing what happens at school or during the day when he/she is away from you, it should be a warning sign”.

Acts ‘jumpy’: “If your child has suddenly become very jumpy, panicky, and look afraid most of the times, then there’s something wrong, if he/she is having trouble sleeping, or suffers from nightmares, you need to take it seriously, talking to your child is the first step and then take it from there do not shy away from taking medical help if your child needs it and of course, make sure the perpetrator putting your child through this is nabbed and put behind bars”.

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