
Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

10 Ways To Get Over The Guy Who Doesn’t Love You

If you love someone, set him free, the saying goes. Yeah, right! Who wants to do that?! When you love someone, the last thing you want to do is set him or her free … you want to cling to him like the last life jacket on the Titanic. Sometimes this works out, if the person doesn’t mind, or even adores, your clinging. Other times, if the person doesn’t feel the same as you, you just end up causing yourself a huge amount of heartache. Yes, causing YOURSELF heartache. Sure, people give mixed signals. But if he’s telling you he loves you one day and disappearing for three weeks the next, you can be sure you two aren’t on the same page, no matter how he might feel “deep down.” I think we’ve all been there at least once. I know I have. It was painful, but at the end of the day, it was liberating to finally “let go” of someone who just didn’t seem to be on the same relationship page.

There are myriad books dedicated to keeping a man interested, getting him to commit, and keeping your marriage spicy. But what about just letting go? That’s really what many of us need to learn how to do. And it’s probably one of most difficult things in the world. But also one of the most necessary. Here are 10 ways to do it — beyond distracting yourself with hobbies and pets and volunteer work.

Be realistic. Let go of the idea that if only you can get this man to commit to you, life will suddenly be all roses, champagne, and sex-fueled weekends in the Maldives. The truth is that rejection will happen throughout your life. Being married just brings with it another set of problems. As Samara O’Shea writes in Love Me … Not: How to Survive and Thrive in the Face of Unrequited Love: “Once you’re in a committed relationship, the rejection associated with dating — such as guys not calling — might be in the rear-view mirror, but new and exciting types of rejection lie ahead. There’s small rejection (you’ll snub each other’s choice of curtains) and rejection that hurts more (like turning down each other’s sexual advances).” In other words, bagging your man isn’t going to make you immune to hurt for the rest of your life.

Allow yourself to feel bad. In this culture, it’s become not okay to feel bad. Books, gurus, and TV commercials all urge you to take a pill, get back out there, get a massage — anything but sit with your sad feelings and actually feel them.

But being sad is a part of life. No one can be happy 100 percent of the time — nor should you. It’s only a problem if you become so attached to your unhappiness that you are reluctant to give it up because it’s become part of your identity.

Fresh off finding out that someone you love doesn’t love you back, I recommend turning off the computer, not going out and getting drunk, and not numbing your feelings in any way. Sit in a quiet area and allow yourself to feel as bad as you like for at least an hour. Really FEEL it. Chances are you will need to do this less and less every day.

There is a difference between allowing yourself to feel bad and “wallowing.” Wallowing means you can’t shut up about your unrequited love. Every conversation turns to him. You overanalyze everything that went wrong. Accept that there is a certain amount — a lot actually — that you will never know. You simply can’t look into another person’s psyche. Force yourself not to talk constantly and write long emails about him to friends. You can actually ask them to simply not respond to you. You will eventually tire yourself out.

Stop cyberstalking. All kinds of studies have shown that continuing to cyberstalk your ex or your unrequited crush through social media will only prolong your agony. And yet it’s so easy to do — we can’t seem to help ourselves. We actually get addicted to the chemical rush of the pain of seeing him with a new woman or out on the town enjoying himself.

But you don’t know what you are really seeing. He might post a picture of himself and his new honey looking ecstatic at a concert, but you didn’t see the huge argument they got into right before they left. As Ami Angelowicz writes inThe Frisky: “Social media is like a funhouse. It warps everything, makes it giant or small or headless, unrecognizable, most notably, your sense of self and of reality. It takes your imagination on a wild tilt-a-whirl of imagined scenarios and possibilities. It’s a warped mirror, reflecting your worst fears and deepest insecurities.”

In one relationship, I became addicted to checking up on the various women I knew the object of my affection had dated in the past. As the years went by, I gradually saw all of them get married and have children. While I had been eagle-eyeing them to see if they were keeping in touch with the man I wanted, the truth was, they didn’t want him.They had gotten on with their lives, while I hadn’t. I really wish I could have that time back!

Realize you did nothing wrong. Asking yourself why a guy didn’t love you, why he didn’t keep his promises, or why he didn’t choose you over someone else is a futile endeavor. And yet we love to obsess on these questions. There is something to that old adage, “It’s not you, it’s me.” It IS him. You don’t know what he wants, his issues, or what he’s dealing with. For all you know, he’s gay. Maybe he has deep-seated problems with intimacy. Maybe he just doesn’t like skinny chicks — are you really going to gain 50 pounds for him? Who knows, who cares?

Focusing on the idea that if only you change, you can “win him over” somehow gives you a fleeting and false sense of control. Many things in this life are completely out of our control — including how other people feel about us.

Stop trying to make him feel bad. I was a sucker for this one for a long time. After a breakup with an ex, I would send email after email detailing his transgressions, expecting and hoping I would get the one apology that would make me feel better. The truth is, even after he would apologize, I still felt like shit. Because nothing had changed.

If you truly feel you are owed an apology, then ask for one. If it’s given, accept it and move on. If it’s not, then let it go. He’ll come to you with one when he’s ready. I’ve heard of people getting apologies years after the fact. Or maybe he will never be ready. He’s very possibly too ashamed or too narcissistic to admit what he did wrong.

Cut off communication — at least for awhile. Most relationship experts advise cutting off communication with someone who is obsessing you, but this isn’t always feasible. You may have children with the person. You may share an office or project you are working on. If you can cut off communication, do. But I find most people fail this, at least at first. If you can’t cut off contact, at least try this approach: See that person for who they are.

Knock him off his pedestalas blogger Nicole Forrester puts it. Sure, maybe he’s still charming, funny, and handsome as the devil. But pay attention to who he REALLY is. All of us are just human. Notice his foibles and stop making excuses for them. Was he sharp with an underling? Did he forget to wish you happy birthday? None of this is because he needs you to truly understand him, but because he’s just another human being with flaws and idiosyncrasies. He can be selfish, rude, and forgetful just like everyone else. Work to get out of your fantasy world. Who knows, maybe you will even realize that he doesn’t have to love you back for you to appreciate him as a fellow journeyman on this planet, someone who also has trials and tribulations.

Trust. Trust that if this person doesn’t love you back, there’s a reason for it. Maybe there is something about this person you don’t know, and the “universe” is making sure you dodge a bullet!

Reword. Instead of thinking something to the effect of, “I wanted this and he didn’t,” which can escalate into an even more frustrated set of thoughts (“That jerk, he led me on!” “He wasted my time!” etc.), try rewording to something more neutral like, “Two things did not match up,” or “Two goals passed each other.”

Last resort: Medication. If you’ve tried all of the above for months, maybe years, and you’ve tried therapy, meditation, and everything else you can think of, and you’re going on two or three years of still obsessing over a lost love, then you may want to consider Lexapro. Samara O’Shea suffered from Limerence, which is similar to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and makes a looping train of obsessive thoughts about an unrequited romance almost impossible to turn off. O’Shea writes about how she had luck with this medication helping to take her out of that mental whirlwind. Talk with your doctor. But realize that there is no “magic pill” for unrequited love. Lexapro might help, but it’s not going to solve.

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Sunday, 10 December 2017

10 Strong Reasons You Should Get Married In Your 30s, Not Your 20s

As written by someone who got hitched in both decades

Every time I see a young woman flashing her engagement ring, I want to grab her by the hand, sit her down, and counsel her.

It’s not that I’m against women getting married while in their 20s; I just know that marriage is so much better when you wait until your 30s. I’ve been there, done that, and conquered adversity.

I’m 34 years old and on my second marriage.

My divorcee demographics:

  • Met my future ex-husband: Age 25
  • Bling, bling, got the ring: Age 26
  • Got hitched: Age 27
  • Got ditched: Age 28

I’m proud of the fact that I got divorced in my 20s. It means I had the courage to leave my home, pick up the pieces, and start my life over when all my friends were getting married and having babies.

I could’ve stayed in an unhappy situation — spending every night sleeping next to someone who no longer wanted to be married to me — knowing I would never have the future of my dreams.

Instead, I chose to chase those dreams. And now, I’m living them.

I’m grateful for my “failed” marriage.

I prefer to refer to it as a learning experience because it led me to where I’m supposed to be: happily remarried, and mommy to a beautiful daughter and two fur-children.

I made my divorce a positive experience by uniting with other twenty-something divorcées to show them that they’re not lone wolves — we have a pack. I formed a private online support group, hosted local meet-ups, conducted interviews, and published a book: Trash the Dress: Stories of Celebrating Divorce in your 20s.

When my marriage ended, I made a list of qualities I wanted in a new mate, and luckily enough I found someone who meets all the requirements on my checklist. We got married when I was 32 years old, and I can say with confidence that this wedding dress will be preserved.

Marriage in your 30s is way better than in your 20s. Now that I have my happily ever after, I can’t imagine going through life with my ex-husband. Marriage works when you’ve found the right person.

But there are also advantages to waiting until you’re a little older to tie the knot:

1. By your 30s, you most likely have sowed your oats.

You’ve dated around, know what’s out there, and got all the bad boy lovin’ out of your system.

2. You’ve had enough time to recover from your first major heartbreak.

During my research, I found that many women got married because they thought they’d never find anyone else to compare to their first love, so they settled.

3. Your 20s are about self-indulgence.

You’re creating yourself. By your 30s, you know who you are and what you can offer a partner. You’re not going to outgrow each other.

4. With age comes maturity and better communication skills.

Instead of fighting over little things or pushing issues under the rug, you know how to address them.

5. You know what you want.

You’re not going to waste time dating someone in your 30s when you know it’s not going anywhere, so the partner you marry will be someone with whom you can have a successful future.

6. You’ve established self-confidence.

By bringing out the best in yourself, you’re enhancing your marriage.

7. By your 30s, you’ve hopefully learned how to manage money.Finances are a huge source of conflict for couples and a reason many young couples divorce. Who wants to spend all their nights fighting about cash flow?

8. You’re more secure in your career in your 30s.

This provides you the time and energy to focus on a marriage.

9. You’ve had time to live alone.

Either with a roommate or love interest, and you’ve become a responsible adult. You’re not learning this while adjusting to marriage.

10. You’ve found your voice.

In your 20s, you’re facing pressure from friends, family, and society to follow the norm. In your 30s, you have the courage to stand up for yourself. And that will lead you to where you should be and who’s supposed to accompany you on this life adventure.

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Friday, 8 December 2017

Nigerian Man Proposes To His Girlfriend On Board A Plane To Dubai. (Photos)

As the day goes by on social media, Nigerian men continue to prove that they’ve topped their game when it comes to being romantic with their fellow partners.

A Nigerian man, with the name, Tayo Adesokan proposed to his girlfriend, Tolu Sanya 30,000 ft above sea level, on a Medview Flight to Dubai.

Tayo popped the question, and beautifully, Tolu said yes! Enjoy their photos below:

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Thursday, 7 December 2017



Men and women show that they care in very different ways. If a man is willing to publicly display his love for a woman, he is not messing around. It takes extreme vulnerability for a man to show and express exactly what he is feeling on such a large scale.

There are at least 8 things a man will only do for the woman he sincerely loves.

1. He listens
If you ever think that men sometimes behave like children, you’re not entirely wrong. Most men only concentrate on things they are passionate about. If they love you, your voice is music to their ears and all you have to do is say something that really matters and they are hooked.

The man who really loves you will not only hear you but will pay attention to your words. You will notice that he follows your advice and respects your thoughts.

2. He fights with you
Yes, that is correct. Fights are not always a sign that the relationship is going through a bad time. If he truly loves you and is invested in your relationship, he will take the time to fight, discuss and find solutions for your relationship. Occasional discussions are a sign that he wants to make things work. You want to find a middle ground where you both can be happy.
3. He makes sacrifices for your happiness
This is one of the biggest signs that a man loves a woman. If he changes his plans from something he would like to do for something he knows would make you happy, he is showing that he loves and respects you and is willing to always put you first.

4. He fights for your love

A man in love will take the punches as they come and fight to keep your love. He will weather the coldest winters and the rainiest spring showers just to be with you. A man in love feels lucky to have you in his life and makes it known that losing you is the last thing he would ever want.

5. He’s proud of your achievements
When a man loves a woman, everything she does feels like his own achievements. It’s almost like the pride a mother feels when their child does something kind or new for the first time. A man in love does not compete with the woman he loves, a man in love wins with the woman he loves.

6. He thinks you look beautiful even on your worst days

A few weeks ago, one of my coworkers had a cold sore on her top lip. She did not feel comfortable enough to meet her boyfriend that day because she did not want him to see her like that. However, after gathering the opinion of the whole office, the consensus was that if she met up with him with the sore and he did not care, it would be a sign that he was really interested in her for her and not just her looks. When a man really loves a woman, she always looks beautiful no matter what.

7. He cares about your family and friends because you do

A man in love understands that the people you love are important to you, and if they are happy, you will be too. If he loves you, he will patiently listen as you share detailed stories about your friends’ lives. He will recognize their importance in your life and will offer solutions to their problems with genuine interest.

8. He’s not afraid to be vulnerable
Men do not like to be vulnerable—ever—but if he loves you, he will not have a problem with showing you that he is afraid to lose you.

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Friday, 1 December 2017

If You Want Your Man To Respect You, Don’t Do These 9 Things

A lot is written about men who don’t respect their women, and there is no doubt that some men just don’t get what being respectful is all about. For most men though, respect is not only an important thing in a relationship, it’s also indispensable in all that they do. Deep admiration is a thing that is earned and it can easily be destroyed, so read these nine things you should never do, if you want your man to respect you.

1. Don’t be a ‘yes’ girl

Men, on the whole, do respect a person who is prepared to express their opinion, even if they don’t agree with that opinion. A girl who agrees with everything a man says and whose only answer to everything is ‘yes’  will soon lose the admiration of any, even half intelligent, man.

2. Don’t get drunk

Men do tend to have double standards when it comes to getting drunk. If one of their pals gets drunk, then he’s just having a good time, but to most men, if a woman gets drunk in public, that’s just plain unpleasant and demeaning. Tipsy and giggly is fine, but falling over in the street is a sure way to lose a man’s respect.

3. Not having a life of your own

Most guys want to be a part of a woman’s life, not her whole life. Men respect independent women, who have their own friends, their own interests and their own ambitions and, by far, the majority of men do not want the old fashioned, stay at home and do the cooking and cleaning, type of partner. They like to be pampered sometimes, but they respect a woman who has her own life too.

4. Don’t jump into bed too soon

The truth is that this is another one of those male double standards. While most men would love to have physical intimacy on a first date, that doesn’t mean that they will respect you for it afterwards. Play hard to get, for a while, if you want a man to see you as long term girlfriend material, because that is what they expect and will respect.

5. Never lie

Honesty is a key element of gaining anyone’s respect and even the smallest of lies can damage a man’s respect for you. If you want a meaningful relationship with a guy, then tell the truth from the outset. Lies have a nasty habit of coming back to bite you, so be straight with a guy and he will respect you for it.

6. Don’t complain about your ex’s

Complaining about how bad your ex was won’t get any extra marks for you. Firstly, he doesn’t want to hear about them anyway and secondly, it’s kind of a breach of confidence and a man will begin wondering what you might say about him in the future.

7. Don’t flirt with other guys

To you, it may be just innocent fun, but to a guy, being flirtatious with other men will definitely damage his opinion of you. It’s not just about his ego and his feelings; he will also think less of you for playing games, even if he did love when you did it to him.

8. Don’t pretend to be someone you are not

Men also respect women who are true to themselves. Don’t try and playact to your man, because he will see through it and he will not respect you for it. He would far rather get to know the real you, flaws and all. Most men like their women to be ‘real’ and they don’t respect insincere flattery and pretense.

9. Don’t stop being a lady

Men do love an independent woman, but they still love a lady too. Don’t try and be one of the boys, because guys do not respect girls who can out drink them, out belch them or out cuss them. If they wanted that, they’d date one of their friends!

Stay happy!

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Thursday, 30 November 2017

Reasons You Should Never Live Together With Your Partner Before Marriage

Couples in such relationships may grow apart in the long run if they lived together for the wrong reasons. This is one bad side of couples cohabiting.

If you and your partner are thinking of living together, here are some wrong reasons to make that decision:

1. To avoid or hasten a marriage proposal: This is specifically for the men, as much as living together means everything except that you aren’t married to her. Slowing down on a marriage proposal or hastening it may be a wrong reason to live together.

2. To help you discover yourself: You can never discover your true self by living with your partner. Rather, moving in together would make complicate things for both of you.

3. To save cash: If you think you’ll save more money by moving in with your partner, it’s better to go get a roommate. Couples who decide to do this should have good jobs so one doesn’t become a liability to the other.

4. If you see it as a fun challenge: Cohabitation requires a lot of determination on both sides, it’s not like a fun challenge as you might see it.

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Monday, 27 November 2017

Girls If You Have These 3 Types Of Friends,Be Careful She May Steal Your Guy I Swear

Having friends is good But if you have this friend who just can’t stop herself from expressing her disgust if you guys even hug for a second in front of her, then that is definitely her problem and not yours.

1.The one who keeps suggesting better options for you: There will always be this one friend who’ll make you feel like no guy is good enough for you. No matter how handsome or how funny or how accomplished your guy is, she will find a reason t dislike him and encourage you to just keep looking. And what will make this situation odder i that she won’t ever have a solid explanation for why she doesn’t like this one.

2.The one who can’t stop flirting with your boyfriend:

You’re not the girl who would mind if her boyfriend and her friends are close with each other. You actually want it that way! You want them to share jokes, have meaningful conversations and get along well. But in between all the fun and talks they share, you can’t help but notice this one friend who always takes the joke little too far, who really tries to dig deep into whatever your partner is saying, and who never waits to ask your boyfriend to dance with her when you’re at a party together. So you always feel a little cautious around her and try to make sure she doesn’t put any actual moves on your relationship.

3. The one who can’t stop telling stories of your past boyfriends to your guy: Now this last kind of friend is probably one of the most dangerous ones to keep around. Everyone has a past, a past where they made some huge mistakes, hooked up with some extremely weird people and did things that they never want to remember. So if you have a friend who loves digging into this past of yours every time she meets your guy, then try and keep her far. As far away from your man as possible!

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Ladies: Checkout The Hidden Things That Easily Make Men Jealous (Especially Number 3)

All have been said about how ladies get easily jealous in a relationship but one interesting thing to note is that guys get jealous too easily as well because they have emotions and jealousy is a big part of it.

Your man could be jealous and you probably won’t know; he would try as much as possible to act okay about it but deep within that may not be the case.

Here are 5 things ladies do that make men jealous

1. Long Talks Over The Phone

Believe it or not, long talks over the phone can make your man feel a sting of jealousy, especially when the call is one that got you excited; there are no two ways about it, if you are excitedly talking to another guy on the phone for a long period, he would feel a bit edgy. Men hate competition to keep their lady; they want their ladies to be theirs without the stress of other men putting them on their toes.

2. A Date

No matter what kind of date (be it a tea break with a colleague), as far as it’s just you and another guy, your man would definitely feel jealous no matter how little; even if he trusts you, he would still feel jealous, men know how cunny other men can be; so it’s not really that they don’t trust you but they don’t trust their other men.

3. Talks About Ex

This would definitely send him through the ceiling and back, no guy wants to hear a story of another guy and stories of an ex makes it even worse; talks about your ex would give him the feeling that you still care about your ex and that would definitely make him jealous.

4. When So Many Other Guys Are Interested

When so many other guys are as well interested in you, it would definitely give him a cringe; the fear of losing you, the fear of other guys deceiving you and the fear of having to compete with them to keep you are the major reasons men get scared when other men come around their lady and even with all the assurances you give him, he would still feel jealous.

5. Close Male Colleague

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Sunday, 26 November 2017

3 Signs To Know Your Lover Has Started Cheating On You

Stop thinking that a relationship is like an account where you can log in and log out whenever you want. Value your lover\’s time, care, their daily calls, messages and everything they sacrifice for you.

No matter it\’s little, but that is what they can afford. Take a look in your heart, know the reasons why you choose to love him/her and act accordingly. ALWAYS TAKE YOUR TIME AND ANALYSE YOUR LOVER. DON’T ACCEPT TO BE FOOLED BY THAT TIME WASTER WHO TAKES U AS A PART TIME OR LEISURE TIME LOVER.

1. WANTS PRIVACY; If he/she wants to be left alone when on the telephone or stops in the middle of a phone conversation when you enter the room and tells the caller he/she will call back, ask yourself why?

2. HE REEKS OF PERFUME THAT\’S NOT YOURS; If you\’ve got the nose of a bloodhound and you smell a flowery fragrance on him or if she doesn\’t smoke yet you keep finding her reeking of tobacco because she has been with a guy puffing cigar, be on your guard.

3. INDIFFERENCE; If you find your partner indifferent, unresponsive or uncaring you have a problem on your hands. If he/she is not cheating, you need to anyway tackle the problem and figure out what it is.

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SEE How To Know A Girl Who Is Not After MONEY But After TRUE LOVE

When a woman in love a lot always gonna happen, fact has proven women can\’t control their feels when they are truly in love. A woman with a true heart never wants a man for his money, he never seeks out lavish parties or big expensive cars. She doesn’t care about overseas holidays or the brand of the clothes that she wears.

The only thing that can win an honest woman’s heart is a man’s true love. What she admires in a man has nothing to do with monetary value, it’s the values he upholds like his honesty, loyalty and his respect toward her, always valuing her as his number one. An honest, genuine woman looks for a man who can change her mood from anger to laughter, who knows her like he knows himself, who respects her and never questions her.

She looks for the man who will always put her needs first, no matter what. A woman with a true heart can be made happy with just a rose and a cup of coffee, you don’t need to bring her expensive gifts to please her, a simple k!ss on her forehead with a look in her eyes that expresses your feelings is enough.

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Friday, 24 November 2017

Sure Signs Your Partner Is Still In Love With Their Ex

So many people jump into a new relationship without getting over their past. After a break up, you need to give yourself time to flush every feelings you had for your ex out of your system before going into another relationship.

Here are few signs your partner is still in love with their partner

Online stalking

If you find your partner constantly checking their ex’s status, this could be a sign they still have feelings for their partner. They are curious about what is going on in their ex’s life and it is not a good thing.

They mention their ex in every conversation

It is very annoying and irritating to hear your partner mention the name of their ex in every conversation. You have every reason yo be worried because your partner may be doing it because they still feel nostalgic about the past.

Secret meeting with the ex

They meet with their ex because they still want to spend some good time together. If you find out your partner is secretly meeting their ex, the decision is your to take.

Emotionally unavailable

If your partner is never there to give you the emotional support when you needed it, this could mean they are emotionally unavailable. You need to find out what is going on in your partner’s life.

More than just friends

Most people just prefer to remain friends after a break-up and it could be harmless. But thee is a problem when the ex is a part of every occasion and every plan. If they still share everything together, your partner is not over the ex.

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8 Hilarious Tips You Need When Sending Your Nigerian Girlfriend Flowers

1. Always send her flowers in the presence of other women. Nigerian women like to make their single friends jealous

Always send her flowers in the presence of other women. Nigerian women like to make their single friends jealous

2. Don’t send the flowers without some chops abeg

Don't send the flowers without some chops abegSmelling flowers cannot chase hunger

3. Infact the more the food, the more in love they feel

Infact the more the food, the more in love they feel

4. You can also accompany it with a beautiful credit alert

You can also accompany it with a beautiful credit alert

5. Don’t send us Ugwu, we know what flowers are

Don't send us Ugwu, we know what flowers are

6. NEVER send the flowers to her house if she still lives with her parents, they might know you as her Uber driver

NEVER send the flowers to her house if she still lives with her parents, they might know you as her Uber driver

7. Be prepared to have her inform the whole world through pictures and epistles. She will also add salt and pepper to the story, so just stick with her version and shut up

Be prepared to have her inform the whole world through pictures and epistles. She will also add salt and pepper to the story, so just stick with her version and shut up

8. And you might just come home to this

And you might just come home to this

9. And after reading no7, you should know never to send your side chick flowers, if you don’t want kasala to burst

And after reading no7, you should know never to send your side chick flowers, if you don't want kasala to burst

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20 Things Ladies Shouldn’t Do, When They Meet A New Guy — Joro Olumofin Advises Ladies About To Start A Relationship

Relationship expert and blogger, Joro Olumofin, shared on Instagram the 20 things he believes ladies should avoid in a relationship.

See full list of the 20 things he thinks ladies shouldn’t do when they meet a new guy, below.

1. Don’t take your friends along with you when he invites you on a date

2. Don’t go to his house unannounced

3. Don’t ask him for money

4. Don’t compare him to your ex or talk about your ex, only if he requests

5. Don’t get drunk on your first outing with him

6. Don’t wear see through or exposing outfits on your first outings

7. Don’t bore him with all your family or personal issues ( my house caught fire, my AC is not working, my rent is due )

8. Don’t talk about Marriage on a first date

9. Don’t pry about the size of his pocket, his earnings or the car he drives ( Do you drive a G wagon ? Are you a millionaire ? )

10. Don’t be too quick to post his picture on instagram, Facebook, (social media) etc

11. Don’t go out without “vex money” or a simple transport fare “bailout” money

12. Don’t lie you’re a virgin and don’t lie about your age ( Some ladies say they’re 22 when they’re 29)

13.Don’t order what you don’t know how to eat or you’re allergic to all because you’re forming sophisticated

14. Don’t ask to meet his Mother or Father. Only if he suggests

15. Don’t be rude or nasty to the waiter or waitress just because you want To impress or be a Diva

16. Don’t talk to him about your body count or guys you’ve slept with. YOUR STANDARD / DEFAULT body count is (2) guys

17. Don’t form British or American accent or any form of accent you can’t keep up with

18. Don’t think you’re an automatic girlfriend after the first Sexual Encounter

19. When your friends call you on a date don’t describe him in a derogatory manner eg I’m with that guy who has Bastard Money

20. Don’t start leaving clothes and tooth brush stylishly at his place

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Saturday, 18 November 2017

Be Warned! If You Get Married To Any Of These 8 Types Of People, You Will Surely End Up Getting A Divorce

1. Gold Digger
Being married to such a person will only last as long as you’re able to provide for his or her insatiable needs but if the niceties stop flowing, he or she is gone, leaving you to lick your wounds.

2. Drunkard
Many people can contain this for a while but if there is no solution to the problem, the likelihood it will end in divorce is very high.

3. Batterer
Any man or woman who abuse their partner is obviously getting them out as quick as possible

4. Drug Addict
Drug addiction is a very serious issue and marriages in this kind of situation can only last if both are addicted to drugs but if it’s just one party and the other is clean, the possibility of it ending in divorce is very high.

5. Narcissistic
Any person who does not care about others and is only concerned about themselves will only end up alone because marriage is about sharing and so if everything is centered on you, the likelihood of the other person leaving is very high. Usually, marriages to such persons do not work.

6. Overly Jealous
It is normal for every person to be jealous, from now and then but if you’re the kind of person who is overly jealous to the extent it clouds your judgment and you end up hurting others or fighting every now and then, then you should be prepared to end up alone.

7. Promiscuous
In marriage, if one is promiscuous, obviously the marriage is bound to fail because most people abhor it.

8. Controlling
Usually, the onus falls on women. One thing about men is that they all have an ego, that is how they were created and so in marriage, you have a woman who wants to always control the man, it doesn’t last.

9. Disrespectful
Respecting each other in a relationship is one of the foundations of a good marriage, but when disrespect is rife in a marriage, it is obviously going to end up in divorce.

10. Add Yours

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Friday, 17 November 2017

11 Ways To Know That Your GUY Is Dating Someone BUT CLAIMING He’s SINGLE [See Tips to catch him]

Eventually, you\’re going to find that one person that you\’re going to fall in love with. They\’re going to make you change your bad habits and your ways. You\’re going to want to spend every moment with this person, and you\’d do things you never thought you would ever do for someone. It\’s not called “whipped”. It\’s swallowing your pride and breaking your morals for someone you feel is truly worth.

1. He doesn’t want you to know where he lives. He will always get a room or come to your house to have s*x

2. He switches his phone off late at night claiming that he values his sleep

3. If his wife is upcountry he will be travelling a lot especially over the weekend

4. He will come to you when he is well fed and well groomed a sign that someone cooks & cleans for him

5. He is never available on Sunday coz this is a family day

6. You might call him sometimes & hear a baby crying in the background

7. He will never want you to meet his family members. He will keep on postponing the meeting.

8. On Sundays or over the weekend he will never pick your calls but he will call you back when the coast is clear

9. There are certain days of the year he will never be available like this Christmas season

10. He will discourage you visiting him at work especially if the Mrs. is known by the fellow work mates

11. There will be that inner voice called the 6th sense telling you something isn’t right So ladies before you go around getting your hopes up or falling in love, Do a background check on any man hitting on you.

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Tuesday, 14 November 2017

“Reasons Why Men Must Not Cheat”

There is so much misogyny in the world that some men hold harmful opinions but think those opinions are harmless. Using this thread, I will discuss reasons why men must not cheat.

1) Do Unto Others What You Would Want Others Do To You

If as a man, you don’t want your wife to cheat on you, do not cheat on her. Some women are trustworthy and won’t cheat on you but if you cheat as a man, you may be shooting yourself in the foot whether you like it or not.

2) Women Are Humans

Women are humans and are emotional. One thing that hurts them so much is when the husbands they so much love cheat on them. It is traumatizing! Do not traumatize them!

3) Think About Your Daughters And Their Matrimonial Homes

Do you as a man pray your daughters marry a man like you? Do you pray your daughters marry cheating, heartless men?!

4) The Kids Would Be Emotionally Shattered

Have you seen a shattered glass cup? Were you able to count the number of pieces? In a home in which the husband cheats, the children are shattered as glass cups? Is this what you want for your lovely children?

5) You Could Wipe The Family Off Through A Disease

You could extirpate the family through one disease or the other. Do not put another man’s daughter through hell! Do not destroy your children’s lives!

6) By Engaging In Husband-Must-Cheat Rhetorics, You Feed The Misconception That All Men Cheat

Not all men cheat!

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Sunday, 12 November 2017

10 Embarrassing Things All Boyfriends Do

If your boyfriend does these things, you are not alone.
1 Adjust themselves when you’re out together ‘subtly.’ The trouble is, it’s never subtle. Ever. Someone definitely noticed him do it and probably assumed he was jerking himself off through his pocket. He’s sorry in advance, it just needs to be done.

2 Dance…terribly. The only good male dancers are the ones who do it professionally. Just lean into the goofy dancing when you’re at weddings together. You’ll be fine.

3 Pee on the seat. This is the great equaliser. No matter how polite or refined, every man has inadvertently peed on the seat at least once. Even Barack Obama has woken up groggily for a midnight pee and missed the bowl in a daze. And then company came over and saw it and Michelle was annoyed. It happens to everyone.

4 Dress poorly. This is one that’s being included begrudgingly, for the record. But it’s pretty common for boyfriends to not have the fashion sense their girlfriend’s wish they had. Apparently jeans and a button-down just don’t cut it.

5 Act like idiots in front of their friends. EVERYONE has that friend or group of friends that they get into a groove with. The kind of groove that looks insane to anyone on the outside of it. It’s a good thing, really, to have friends like that. It just might be embarrassing when they start cracking jokes and acting like they’re 12 again.

6 Try to rap or sing along to songs they have no business attempting. It’s a rude awakening when we discover you are not impressed by our car karaoke performance of ‘Look at Me.’

7 Hurt themselves lifting something. Whether they’re attempting to impress you while they help you move, or just taking an ill-advised bet, most guys have pulled something while ‘challenging’ themselves physically.

8 Going into ‘bro’ mode. You know when your boyfriend meets a new guy he doesn’t know and his voice and posture change all of the sudden? That’s ‘bro mode’ and it’s his way of sizing up other dudes. Yes, he knows it doesn’t fool you.

9 Suppress their emotional side. He will learn all too late in life that no, this is not ‘manly’ behaviour.

10 Do their best to embarrass you in front of your friends. Part of a boyfriend’s duties are to embarrass you in public. But in a cute ‘omg stoppp’ kind of way. Not a ‘someone called the police and everyone else is recording this meltdown for YouTube’ kind of way.

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