
Wednesday, 23 August 2017

The Untold Secrets – Final Episode

It was a new day, the sun was yet to rise, birds were singing and the weather was still muddy, I woke up from my bed and was really missing my husband who traveled yesterday, no one to talk to or even chat with, I took my pillow and place it beside my chick and started my morning devotion, I was still praying when I heard a knock at the door.

“Kokokokoko” yes who is there come in, (I answered), behold it was the junior brother of my husband, “how can I help you”? I asked him. He was just standing and starring at me, he sat down and we commune a discussion. He told me that he is sorry for rapping me twice, he said he has come to beg for forgiveness.

I told him that I don’t have any issue with him, I forgave him but he made another request.

He said since my husband has traveled he wants to take over his positions until he’s back, he said he will be giving me feeding money, keeping me company, buying me whatsoever I may require and finally he will be having se.x with me until my husband returns home.

I told him that I cannot do that kind of a thing, I love my husband and I will not cheat on him.

He said if I fail to adapt to his proposal, he will continue rapping me until when he’s satisfied, I was still there dragging with him, he pushed me to the bed, he tied my mouth with clothe and rapped me again the third time.

After the incident, I picked up my phone to call my husband to tell him all what I have been passing through in the hands of his younger brother, when I called him, his phone was switch off, I later changed my mind not to call and tell him, this issue might destroy my marriage and am not ready for that.

This was how it continued until one fateful day.

The problems am facing in my marital life is really frustrating my life,
The junior brother of my husband is really giving me though time, I have
tried all i could to get rid of him but all to no avail, he rapped me severally,
he knew i dont have power to fight him and am also afraid to tell my husband.
The main problem is that i dont have a child for my husband and my mother in-law
is trying to throw me out so she can bring in another woman.
I dont know why my womb fail to conceive for my husband.

After two months, my husband came back from the business trip, i was glad to see him because
is been a while i set my eyes on him. After some weeks, i fell sick and my husband took me to
the hospital, they operated on me and the doctor came out with a shocking and an unbelievable news,
He said to my husband….”Congratulations young man, your wife is not sick but she is pregnant”
My husband did not believe it, i burst into tears, oh! finally God has remembered me, God has finally
answered my prayers, we left the hospital with tears of joy.

When we got home, my husband broke the breaking news to my mother in-law, she couldn’t believe it,
she was so happy and she congratulated me (When the lord remember you, even your enemies will celebrate you)
My mother in-law changed totally from bad to good, she started taking good care of me, this was someone that
doesn’t want to see me or hear anything about me. God is really good.

After 5months, the junior brother of my husband came to me and told me that the child in my womb belongs to him,
I was shocked and i replied him with anger, i told him that God will not allow that to happen, we started quarreling and my husband came out of his room, the junior brother repeated what he said earlier, he said he have been sleeping with me, he said he had se.x with me severally and the child in my womb belongs to him, my husband could not believe what he was hearing, i started crying and telling my husband that it was a rape, “It was a rape and you didn’t told me all this while”?, he asked, i told him that i was afraid to tell him because he might disbelieve me. oh! the UNTOLD SECRETS, what a shameful act, the argument continued until it gets to the ears of my mother in-law, we all went to the hospital to confirm if truly the pregnancy belongs to Felix.
When we got to the hospital, after the test the doctor said that the baby in my womb belongs to Felix the junior brother to my husband.

My husband divorced me from the hospital, he said i was so foolish not to tell him what have been going on between me and the junior brother, although he did not believe that it was a rape, he said i have been having an affair with the junior brother.

God knew that he rapped me but i was so foolish for not letting my husband to know about it.




MORAL LESSON: Learn to voice out when you are passing through thorns and persecutions of life,
a problem shared is a problem solved.

QUOTE: Open rebuke is better than secret love, A herd of sheep led by a lion is far better than a herd of lions led by a sheep.

Ladies, i hope you learn a few lessons from this?

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