
Wednesday 26 April 2017

Fairly Used Love (Episode 8)

For a few seconds, Chidinma Ude was totally lost in the sensations that surged through her as she and Onyeka Michael shared a kiss.

The intoxicating and intensely intimate feel of his tongue running against the length of her own robbed her of strength and thought. She gripped his upper arms, and if he had not wrapped his arms around her back, her legs would have given way. Chidinma had not been kissed in years and she sunk into the waves of familiar sensation with a sigh. And yet, she felt as though she had never been truly kissed before that moment. Onyeka’s mouth blazed a hot trail along her senses, a series of jolts she had never experienced before. She could feel the goose-pimples all over her and where her upper body strained against his, her aroused nipples brushed against his hard chest, forcing a new moan out of her. Instinctively Chidinma pushed her groin against Onyeka’s and he responded by releasing his own moan into her mouth.

The sound ran through her like electricity, and the primal realisation that she had coaxed that helpless noise out of a virile male made her shudder.

The jolt also released her from the waves of physical desire which she was almost drowning in.

With a gasp, Chidinma pushed herself away from Onyeka and his thrilling, strong body. He made a small sound of protest, then stared at her with eyes half-lidded with desire, his nose filled with her smell, his arms reaching out for her, brushing her soft breasts. His eyes widened as a resounding slap from the woman he had been kissing brought him crashing back to earth.

The sound of her palm meeting Onyeka’s cheek was still echoing in the small air-conditioned office as Chidinma stumbled further backwards, her face hot with embarrassment and fury. “Are you insane?” she asked, her voice quavering. “How dare you?”

Onyeka stared at her, open-mouthed, more surprised at himself than at her. A part of his mind was stunned that she had responded, but the main part was cringing at his impulsive behavior. What had possessed him to kiss her like that? When did he start pawing women the way he had when she moved back? He raised a hand to his stinging face. He had deserved that slap. “I’m so sorry, Chidinma…”

It’s DOCTOR CHIDINMA to you!” Chidinma gritted out, her face working with fury. “Get out of my office! Get out!”

Without another word, Onyeka grabbed the folders he had spread on the table and left the office immediately, only pausing to throw a look of regret in her direction before he shut the door quietly. He walked away from the office, ignoring the curious look on the face of a nurse seated at a desk close by- she could have hard Chidinma’s angry instruction for him to leave her office. His heart thudded as he walked over to the small office he had been assigned to for the duration of his working stay. Chidinma would never forgive his behaviour. He knew her brief reaction to the kiss had been instinctive, rather than deliberate. It had been unfair to take her by surprise in that manner. He had just made things very awkward between them, and only proved he behaved like the uncontrollable adolescent she had first mistaken him to be.

What if she accused him of sexual harassment? It would be a serious issue at the accounting firm where he worked.

“That’s what happens when you think with your groin, idiot.” Onyeka chided himself in a low voce. “You stupid, stupid idiot.”

He would not return to Chidinma’s office that day if he could help it. Or ever. He would rather face a firing squad than her fury.


In her office, Chidinma was still in shock.

She could not believe that the auditor had actually surprised her with his action. She had always prided herself on been two steps ahead of most people; had her anger about Nurse Yetunde’s pregnancy blinded her so much that she totally missed his intentions till it was too late? She wondered when her anger began to have that kind of power over her.

It happens when you’re jealous.

Chidinma rejected the idea instantly. She had no reason to be jealous of whatever had happened between the nurse and the young auditor. She wasn’t emotionally invested in him in any way.

Book of Romance / Romance / Uncategorized

 March 7, 2017


Fairly Used Love (Episode 8)

Click here to read the previous EPISODE

For a few seconds, Chidinma Ude was totally lost in the sensations that surged through her as she and Onyeka Michael shared a kiss.

The intoxicating and intensely intimate feel of his tongue running against the length of her own robbed her of strength and thought. She gripped his upper arms, and if he had not wrapped his arms around her back, her legs would have given way. Chidinma had not been kissed in years and she sunk into the waves of familiar sensation with a sigh. And yet, she felt as though she had never been truly kissed before that moment. Onyeka’s mouth blazed a hot trail along her senses, a series of jolts she had never experienced before. She could feel the goose-pimples all over her and where her upper body strained against his, her aroused nipples brushed against his hard chest, forcing a new moan out of her. Instinctively Chidinma pushed her groin against Onyeka’s and he responded by releasing his own moan into her mouth.

The sound ran through her like electricity, and the primal realisation that she had coaxed that helpless noise out of a virile male made her shudder.

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The jolt also released her from the waves of physical desire which she was almost drowning in.

With a gasp, Chidinma pushed herself away from Onyeka and his thrilling, strong body. He made a small sound of protest, then stared at her with eyes half-lidded with desire, his nose filled with her smell, his arms reaching out for her, brushing her soft breasts. His eyes widened as a resounding slap from the woman he had been kissing brought him crashing back to earth.

The sound of her palm meeting Onyeka’s cheek was still echoing in the small air-conditioned office as Chidinma stumbled further backwards, her face hot with embarrassment and fury. “Are you insane?” she asked, her voice quavering. “How dare you?”

Onyeka stared at her, open-mouthed, more surprised at himself than at her. A part of his mind was stunned that she had responded, but the main part was cringing at his impulsive behavior. What had possessed him to kiss her like that? When did he start pawing women the way he had when she moved back? He raised a hand to his stinging face. He had deserved that slap. “I’m so sorry, Chidinma…”

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“It’s DOCTOR CHIDINMA to you!” Chidinma gritted out, her face working with fury. “Get out of my office! Get out!”

Without another word, Onyeka grabbed the folders he had spread on the table and left the office immediately, only pausing to throw a look of regret in her direction before he shut the door quietly. He walked away from the office, ignoring the curious look on the face of a nurse seated at a desk close by- she could have hard Chidinma’s angry instruction for him to leave her office. His heart thudded as he walked over to the small office he had been assigned to for the duration of his working stay. Chidinma would never forgive his behaviour. He knew her brief reaction to the kiss had been instinctive, rather than deliberate. It had been unfair to take her by surprise in that manner. He had just made things very awkward between them, and only proved he behaved like the uncontrollable adolescent she had first mistaken him to be.

What if she accused him of sexual harassment? It would be a serious issue at the accounting firm where he worked.

“That’s what happens when you think with your groin, idiot.” Onyeka chided himself in a low voce. “You stupid, stupid idiot.”

He would not return to Chidinma’s office that day if he could help it. Or ever. He would rather face a firing squad than her fury.


In her office, Chidinma was still in shock.

She could not believe that the auditor had actually surprised her with his action. She had always prided herself on been two steps ahead of most people; had her anger about Nurse Yetunde’s pregnancy blinded her so much that she totally missed his intentions till it was too late? She wondered when her anger began to have that kind of power over her.

It happens when you’re jealous.

Chidinma rejected the idea instantly. She had no reason to be jealous of whatever had happened between the nurse and the young auditor. She wasn’t emotionally invested in him in any way.

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But you ran down here and confronted him in a fit of rage when you heard he had gotten a girl pregnant… and you responded to his kiss. Admit it, you do have feelings for him.

Chidinma paused. She liked to think she was a fair person and honest, almost to a fault, so her thoughts bothered her. Even though the kiss had barely lasted ten to fifteen seconds, it had felt like minutes, spent running underwater. But it was true that she had responded; so she was attracted to Onyeka, maybe only on a physical level.

Body no be wood, girl, a sly voice said in her head.

Chidinma sank into the chair behind her table and tapped the files in front of her thoughtfully. Her anger and shock had receded and she was left with doubts. What if she had truly being jealous? What if she had been hasty to reach a conclusion about Yetunde and Onyeka? She recalled her conversation with the nurse- nowhere had the young lady directly fingered Onyeka as being responsible for the pregnancy. She, Chidinma, had reached that conclusion on her own. Plus, Onyeka had reacted to her accusation with genuine amusement.

What if she was wrong and had accused him falsely?

Chidinma cursed beneath her breath as she realized asking him about the pregnancy had been unethical. Nurse Yetunde had confided in her with the expectation of discretion, as Onyeka had rightly pointed out. She had committed one of the gravest sins as regarded her profession as a psychiatrist. And that was just before kissing him back, despite her initial shock.

“Two sins in one morning. Great.” She muttered to herself. “The sin of loose lips and the sin of thoughtless passion.”

Which was the greater one?

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