
Saturday 8 April 2017

Battle For Justice – Episode 6

*Episode Six*
Ekene got to Ifeoma’s house and
explained everything to her but she only
ended up blaming herself saying that if
she had known this will happen, she
would have aborted Uchenna but Ekene
told her not to blame herself because
his son’s life worth more than the
money his master will settle him with.
Ifeoma suggested that Ekene should go
and meet Franklin since he is the person
who has been helping them which also
mean he is the only person that can
make Peter settle him. Ekene thought
about it and agreed to go to Franklin’s
shop the next day.
The next day Ekene woke up early and
prepared to meet with Franklin.
Ekene got to Franklin’s shop but he was
told by his sales girl that he is yet to
come to the shop. Ekene decided to
wait for him instead of him going back
Ekene has been waiting for Franklin for
the past three hours but Franklin hasn’t
arrived yet so Ekene decided to go
home that day and return the next but
when he was about standing up,
Franklin entered into the shop and he
was very happy to see him.
Franklin told Ekene to sit before asking
him why he had come to see him that
early. Ekene explained everything to him
and he promised Ekene that Peter is
going to settle him whether he likes it
or not.
Later that day, Franklin went to pay
Peter a surprised visit. When he got to
Peter’s house, he met his absence but
he met Kate who told him that Peter will
be back very soon and Franklin decided
to wait since he was not in s hurry to
Peter came home thirty minutes later
and was very surprise to see his master
in his house.
Peter: Good evening sir!
Franklin: Evening Peter
Peter: Sir this one that you came to visit
me this late, hope am save?
Franklin: You are but I came here to
discuss something with you
Peter: What could that be important that
can’t wait till tomorrow?
Franklin: Sit down first before I tell you.
Peter: Okay let me take my seat
Franklin: Your boy Ekene came to me
earlier today telling me that you had
refused to settle him and why is that?
Peter: Sir you see that boy has a baby
and he has also been stealing from me
to take care of the baby. If that was not
enough, he even lied with your name
Franklin: How sure are you that he Lied
with my name?
Peter: I know he lied with it because
there is no way you could have given
him money to pay for his baby’s mama
hospital bill
Franklin: You see that’s where you are
wrong because I was the one that gave
him the money and for the past five
years, I have been the one taking care
of the baby.
Peter: Sir are you trying to tell me that
you knew about Ekene’s baby mama
and you didn’t tell me
Franklin: Peter the baby mama is not
what we are discussing here. You
accused Ekene of stealing that’s why
you didn’t want to settle him but since
you now know that he didn’t steal from
you, I will advice you to do the right
thing by settling him
Peter: Even if he didn’t steal from me I
still won’t settle him for having a baby
Franklin: Oh! I now see you don’t want
to settle that boy but I will make you
settle him directly or indirectly
Peter: What do you mean?
Franklin: Don’t worry because you will
soon find out
Franklin left Peter’s house leaving Peter
to wonder what he meant with “Don’t
worry you will soon find out”. Thirty
minutes later, a knock was heard and
Peter went to open it only for him to see
Franklin with some uniform men
Franklin: Officers! Officers! Officers! This
is the person I just told you stole my
money when serving with me fifteen
years ago so arrest him.
The officers arrested Peter and took him
to the police station.

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