
Saturday 8 April 2017

Battle For Justice – Episode 5

*Episode Five*
It has been five years since Ekene’s son
(Uchenna who he named after his late
dad) was given birth to and not even
for once did Franklin failed to give
Ekene the monthly allowance he
promised him.
Ekene has been happy lately because he
is very sure that he will be settled soon
since he has completed his eight years
of learning trade.
One evening, Ekene was in his room
when their maid came to call him telling
him that his master wants to see him.
Ekene quickly got up from his bed to the
sitting room where his master is. Ekene
greeted Peter and Kate but Kate was the
one that told him to sit which he did
Peter: *clears throat* Ekene
Ekene: Sir!
Peter: I believe you know why I sent for
Ekene: No sir
Peter: Since you don’t know let me tell
you why. Ekene you are suppose to
learn trade with me for eight years
Ekene: Yes sir
Peter: And now you have learned the
trade for eight years which means am
now suppose to settle you but that
won’t be happening.
Ekene: Why sir? Have I done anything
wrong to you for the past eight years?
Peter: No you haven’t done that to me
but what you did is far worst
Kate: What did he do that is far worst?
Peter: This boy you see here that we all
believe is a saint is nothing but a liar
and a thief who has been stealing from
Ekene: Sir I have never stole from you
Peter: Will you shut up your mouth there
or did I even asked you to talk?
Kate: Why are you accusing this boy
wrongly or is any of your money
Peter: *trying to avoid answering his
wife question* Kate if you think am
accusing him wrongly then ask him if
he doesn’t have a baby mama and also
ask him if he didn’t steal N70,000 from
me to pay for his baby mama’s hospital
Kate: What do you mean by Ekene
having a baby mama?
Peter: This Ekene you see here
impregnated a girl five years ago under
our very nose without us knowing
Kate: *turning to face Ekene* Is it true
that you have a baby mama?
Ekene: Yes ma but I didn’t steal any
money from my master
Kate: I believe Ekene because I have
tested him countless times to see if he
will steal from me but not once did he
Peter: If am lying then he should tell me
where he got all the money he has been
using to take care of his son from
Kate: Ekene please tell us where you got
the money from because I know you
didn’t steal it
Ekene: Oga Franklin has been the
person taking care of my son and he is
also the person that gave me the
N70,000 for the operation
Peter: Which Franklin?
Ekene: Sir the one you learned trade
Peter: You are lying and you know
what? Am sick and tired of all your lies.
First you impregnated a girl, then you
stole from me and if that was not
enough, you have the guts to lie with
my master’s name so now I want you to
get out of my house this very minute.
Ekene and Kate pleaded with him not to
send Ekene packing but he didn’t listen
Peter: No amount of pleading will
change my mind. So leave
Peter left them in the sitting room and
went to his bedroom. Kate gave some
money to Ekene and told him to leave
just like Peter had earlier said but not
without promising to talk to her
Ekene left the house to Ifeoma’s house.
Kate entered their bedroom only to
meet her husband lying on the bed
Kate: Honey what you just did to Ekene
is so unfair. That boy didn’t steal from
you and I am very sure you were only
using that stealing as an excuse for you
not to settle that boy which is very bad
of you. I want you to also remember
that you stole from your master but he
still settled you
Peter: He settled me because I played my
cards well. He never got to find out that
I stole a lot from him.
Kate: Peter please I beg of you to do the
right thing
Peter: Right thing which is?
Kate: To settle Ekene
Peter: Oh I see!
Kate: You see what?
Peter: You love that boy that’s why you
are still asking me to settle him after we
found out that he stole from us. How
am I even sure you weren’t even
sleeping with him under my nose
Kate: So you are trying to accuse me of
infidelity just because am advising you
to do the right thing which is for you to
settle Ekene. Now I even want you to tell
me how you were able to find out
about Ekene’s baby mama.
Peter: The hospital where the baby
mama put to birth belongs to my friend
and he was the person that told me
Kate: That means it has been long you
knew about the baby mama but kept
quite so that you would use it against
him when you want to settle him right?
But let me tell you this, Ekene’s God will
fight for justice for him
Peter replied his wife with “God won’t
fight for him because I did the right
thing” and the left the bedroom for his

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