
Saturday 8 April 2017

Battle For Justice – E2

*****Episode Two*****
Throughout that day, Ekene wasn’t
himself in the shop. Some customers
and the two sales girls who truly care
about him asked him what was wrong
but he told them nothing and even
gave them a reassuring smile which
wasn’t from the depth of his heart to
assure them that he is fine.
Finally closing time came and Ekene
packed his things, close the shop and
said “good bye” to the sales girls
before entering a keke that will take
him home.
Ekene got home and greeted Kate but
she being a good observer, observed
that there was something wrong with
him so she decided to call him back to
find out what it is
Kate: Ekene
Ekene: Ma
Kate: Please come here
Ekene walked to where Kate was
sitting down
Kate: Ekene what’s bothering you?
Ekene: Ma there is nothing bothering
me. Am just tired from today’s work
*he lied*
Kate: Ekene we both know that you
are lying. For the past three years you
have come to learn trade with my
husband, I have been able to know all
your mood and the mood you are in
now clearly tells me that something is
bothering you. And also remember
that a problem shared is a problem half
Ekene: Ma I really appreciate your care
but the truth his am just missing my
Kate knew he was lying so she tried
pressuring him to tell her the truth but
when she noticed that no matter how
she tried to pressure him, he won’t tell
her what’s bothering him so she
decided to let the issue be.
Kate: Since you don’t want to tell me
what’s bothering you, I won’t force
you. Ekene you can now go to your
room but your dinner is in the kitchen
when you want to eat it.
Ekene said “okay” and left for his room.
That night Ekene didn’t eat his dinner
and that was not his problem that
The next day Ekene was the first to
wake up since he wasn’t able to get
much sleep.
Ekene prepared for church and went
to take permission from Kate because
he want to go and see Ifeoma so he
won’t be coming back home straight
from church and Kate allowed him to
go see the friend he had told her
without her knowing that the friend is
actually a girl.
Ekene went to the church but he didn’t
wait for the service to end before
leaving the church for Ifeoma’s house.
He got to her house and knocked on
the door. Few seconds later, Ifeoma
came to open the door.
Ify: Good morning Ekene.
Ekene: Morning Ify. How are you ?
Ify: Am fine. Please come in
Ekene entered the house and sat on
her bed since she has no chair in her
room. I even forgot to tell you that
Ifeoma is an orphan and she stays
The room was filled with an awkward
silence because neither of them said a
word to the other. Five minutes have
passed and Ekene decided to break
the silence.
Ekene: Ify what are we going to do
concerning the pregnancy?
Ify: I don’t know but one thing I know
is that am not going to to an abortion
Ekene: That means you want to keep
Ifeoma: I don’t want to have an
innocent child’s blood in my hands and
I may even loose my own life when
doing the abortion so am keeping it.
Ekene: Ify please remember that I am
still learning trade and if my master get
to find out, he will send me back to the
Ekene’s statement got Ifeoma all fired
Ify: Ekene you now know that you are
still learning trade because am now
pregnant abi? But you didn’t know that
when you were persuading me to
have have s-x with you or when we
were both enjoying the s-x.
Ekene: I guess that came out the
wrong way. Ify what I meant with my
statement was that am going to take
full responsibility of the child but I
don’t want my master to know about
Ify: If your master finding out is what
you are afraid of, then you don’t need
to worry because the baby will be
under my care. All I need from you is
for you to give him your name when
he comes into this world and also for
you to be assisting me with little
money to take care of his needs from
time to time.
Ekene: I guess we now now have a
solution to our problem?
Ify: Yes
Ekene spent some time discussing
with Ify before going back back that

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