
Saturday 8 April 2017

Battle For Justice – E1

*Battle For Justice*
*Episode One*
Ekene is a 20year old boy whose dream
is to further his education but when
things became hard for him and his
mum, he decided to learn trade
Mr Peter who is an importer and
Exporter of furniture came to the
village during Christmas period and
Ekene’s mum Adaeze went to him to
tell him about her son’s intention of
learning trade and Luckily for her, Peter
agreed to train him and a day was
fixed when Ekene will leave for the
Ekene was in his room arranging all his
clothes inside the only Ghana must go
bag he has when his mum came and
sat him down to give him an advice
any mother would give her child who is
about to leave the village to learn
trade in the city and in return, Ekene
promised to be on his best behaviour
when he gets there and never to steal
from his master.
The journey from Ekene’s village to the
city took them more than ten hours
and by the time they got to Peter’s
house, everywhere was already dark
Peter’s wife Kate welcomed Ekene
with a welcoming smile and her
husband with a hug. Kate told her maid
to take Ekene to his room. She also
told Ekene to go freshen up and come
down for dinner.
After dinner, Kate told Ekene to go
back to his room to have a good night
rest because she was pretty sure he
must has been tired after the journey.
The next day Peter took Ekene to his
shop and told one of his sales girl to
put him through all the things he
needs to know concerning the shop.
Ekene coming to the city was a dream
come true to him because in Peter’s
house he wasn’t treated like a serving
boy but he was treated like a member
of the family. And Peter isn’t the type
that stays home always because he do
travel every now and then. Kate on the
other hand, gave Ekene the freedom
he needs and she has never for once
complain of anything he does maybe
its because she took likeness on him
the very first day she set her eyes on
It has been over three years now since
Ekene has been learning trade with
Peter and not even for once has he
ever had any problem with his master,
master’s wife or anybody around him.
Kate have once told her husband that
if Ekene continued being the good boy
he is, that he (Peter) would settle him
before that eight years he is suppose
to spend with them learning trade.
In that three years Ekene met Ifeoma
who he fell in love with and also
started dating. Ekene did a very good
job in keeping his relationship with
Ifeoma a secret.
One fateful morning, Ekene was about
opening the shop when his phone
started ringing. Ekene at first didn’t
want to pick the call but when the
phone started ringing for the second
time, he decided to check the caller ID.
Ekene brought out his phone and
checked the caller. He discovered that
the caller was Ifeoma so he quickly
picked the call and the following
conversation took place.
Ekene: Hello Ify
Ifeoma: Good morning
When Ekene heard her voice, he
quickly notice that all is not well with
Ekene: Morning my dear. Why does
voice sounds like you are not fine?
Ifeoma: That’s because am pregnant
Ekene: What? When did you discover
that you are pregnant?
Ifeoma: I haven’t seen my period for
the past three months now
Ekene: But that doesn’t mean you are
pregnant now. Go to the hospital and
confirm it first
Ify: I went to the hospital three days
ago and I was told to come for the
result today. And Am just coming back
from the hospital and the result is
positive which means am pregnant
Ekene: What are we going to do now?
Ify: I don’t know that’s why I called to
inform you so that we can meet
tomorrow since its Sunday and discuss
about the pregnancy
Ekene just said “okay” and ended the
“What am I going to do now?”
“Should I deny her and the
All those thought were running
through his mind as he was opening
the shop.

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