
Saturday 25 March 2017

To Prevent Risk Of Prostate Cancer, Men Should release At Least Once A Day

The good news is self servicing isn’t just fun and games – it’s good for your health too.

We all know that enjoying some alone time can be mood-boosting, but now scientists reckon the more often you pleasure yourself the better.

Men especially have yet another reason to blow their load because new research says lads who have an climax a day have a lower risk of prostate cancer than men who don’t release regularly.

A Harvard Medical School study looked at the s*x lives of 32,000 healthy guys for 18 years – with 3,839 of them later being diagnosed with prostate cancer.

The researchers quizzed the men about the average amount they climaxed each month and the results were surprising.

Lads aged between 40-49 who ejaculated 21 or more times each month had a 22% lower risk of developing the disease compared to those who ejaculated between four and seven times.

Other lifestyle factors like diet and fitness were also considered but the scientists still claimed regular orgasms were the key a healthy prostate.

The study’s lead author Dr Jennifer Rider said: “Release frequency is, to some extent, a measure of overall health status in that men at the very low end of Release frequency – zero to three times per month – were more likely to have other (medical problems) and die prematurely from causes other than prostate cancer.

“Release and safe s*xual activity throughout adulthood could be a beneficial strategy for reducing the risk of prostate cancer.

“While these data are the most compelling to date on the potential benefit of Release on prostate cancer development, they are observational data and should be interpreted somewhat cautiously.

“At the same time, given the lack of modifiable risk factors for prostate cancer, the results of this study are particularly encouraging.”

This isn’t the first study to show how s*x can protect against this type of cancer.

Last year it was found that sleeping around was better for fighting off the disease.

Guys who had slept with more than 20 women were 28% less likely to develop prostate cancer than those who’d only slept with one woman.

Shockingly virgins were nearly twice as likely to develop it compared to guys who had s*x regularly.

Study author Professor Marie-Elise Parent said: “It is possible that having many female s*xual partners results in a higher frequency of ejaculations, whose protective effect against prostate cancer has been previously observed in cohort studies.”

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