
Tuesday 14 November 2017

10 Famous Celebrity Insomniacs

In today’s day and age, people are finding it increasingly difficult to get in their forty winks. We’re recommended at least eight hours of sleep a day – many people find that nigh on impossible. Technology is partly to blame. We have everything, all the information we could possible want at our fingertips, and so getting to sleep can be tricky. Our phones buzz in the night, and we have to get up and check it out, respond to messages etc. That’s partly the reason. But we struggle to sleep mainly because we just lead busy lives. A lot of us lead hectic lifestyles – there’s just too much to get done in the day and not enough time to do it. That’s why it’s sleep that tends to get sacrificed. It becomes such a problem, that even when wanting to get to sleep, it’s incredibly hard to drift off. There are plenty of celebrity figures who have this issue. They lead busier lives than most, and engage in other activities, and so many find it tricky to get in a decent amount of sleep at the end of the day. Some have found sleep so hard to come by, they’re deemed to be insomniacs – a chronic difficulty in falling asleep. These are 10 famous celebrities who are self-confessed insomniacs.

10. Madonna

It’s remarkable that Madonna is approaching her 60s. What’s even more remarkable is that she’s still very much in the limelight, and that her creative mind is able to whirr on only a couple of hours sleep a night. Yes, you read that correctly. Madonna leads a busy lifestyle, so her schedule’s packed during the day. Her creativity is best at night, so that’s when she plans performances, writes songs etc. It means that the singing sensation only gets two hours kip a night. It’s amazing she’s still able to function and put on mind-blowing performances.

9. Abraham Lincoln

Let’s go back and look through history too. Insomnia isn’t just a recent phenomenon. It isn’t just brought about due to people looking at screens, engaging with their electronic devices. Those weren’t around in Abraham Lincoln’s day. But he remained a long-suffering insomniac. For most of his career he suffered with the sleep disorder. He didn’t try to fight it either. Instead, in the dead of night, he’d take long walks, to try and calm the mind and help burn off some excess energy.

 8. Bill Clinton

As the President of the United States, it’s understandable that Bill Clinton wasn’t going to get a whole lot of sleep. But this is just an example of why people should make a concerted effort to sleep more. A lack of sleep can seriously affect a person’s health. He used to sleep for only five hours a night. He blames his subsequent heart attack on his lack of sleep. He’s even said that: “Every important mistake I’ve made in my life, I’ve made because I was too tired.

7. George Clooney

It seems to be the case that creative minds work best at night. George Clooney is another guy for whom his creativity flows when the sun goes down. He’s said that he wakes up at least five times a night, and then just gives up on sleep. But that’s also when he writes his best scenes.

6. Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson’s insomnia is so bad, she regularly sleeps on the floor. You’d think that would make matters worse, but it helps with her lucid dreaming.

5. Lada Gaga

Her overactive creative mind means she has a hard time sleeping. Her passion for her art keeps her awake, and although it gets tough, she loves the results, what comes out in terms of her creativity.

4. Heath Ledger

Heath Ledger’s someone who always strove for perfection. But this desire to be the best is ultimately what led to his downfall. Heath died in 2008, and his death was due to drug use. Heath was on drugs, including sleeping pills. He couldn’t sleep, was up and about all the time, and this exhaustion was a factor in his death.

3. Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington almost died due to exhaustion. She actually passed out, ended up taking a fall and broke her cheekbone.

2. Sandra Bullock

It’s amazing that Sandra Bullock still looks so good, looks utterly gorgeous, considering, firstly her age – she’s into her 50s – and secondly the fact that she suffers from insomnia. She doesn’t get much beauty sleep, but is still able to look absolutely ravishing.

1. Donald Trump

Donald Trump is a man who does things by the extremes. The guy didn’t become a billionaire and then President by getting in his forty winks every night. He’s said that he works until around 1am. He then wakes up at five to read the papers and watch TV. That’s four hours of sleep. It’s a miserly approach to getting some shuteye, but it’s part and parcel of the job.

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