
Sunday, 1 October 2017

What you should never do to please a woman

Love is a beautiful feeling, it’s an intoxicating feeling. Most times, when people are in love, anything is possible. They behave in certain ways that we may never fully understand, neither can they explain it themselves.

Every one expresses love in their own unique way. While some men in this clime are very rigid and withdrawn, other men are very expressive and can go to any length to express their feelings both in cash and in kind.

Some men act foolishly when they are in love, and this has cost them a great deal. It is not bad to pamper your woman but over doing it makes one look stupid. One can be perceived a weakling or called a ‘woman wrapper’. Due to the man’s actions, there are insinuations that he’s not in his right senses. People try to trivialize his love with claims that the woman used juju on him. In expressing love, some men go overboard.

These are some of the things you should never do to please a woman.

Never shut out your family or friends because of a woman

It’s a well known fact that some women are manipulators.They want to have their way at all costs, so they come in and manipulate you to shut out everyone else. Most women with such traits have ulterior motives.

They look for ways to keep his family and friends at bay. Everything their husbands does for his parents or siblings, they insist he does  same for their own family too. Such women are emotional blackmailers.

Turning your back on your family because of woman should be a no-go-area. In a bid to please a woman, don’t  ditch your own family. Family is irreplaceable. That woman you rejected your family for can abandon you at any time, but your family will always be your last resort.

This is not to say that it is not good to fight for the woman you love to be accepted by your family and friends, especially when they make it obvious that they don’t like her.

You can fight for her, defend her but do not shut your family out. Isolating yourself from family and friends for a woman never ends well. Set your priorities right. No woman should come between you and your family.

Never buy her a car or a house when you do not own one

How does one not have a car or even a land in his own name, yet wants to buy one for a woman just to impress her? Love is not foolishness. Until you have one, it is irrational to buy her one.

If you are married to her already and you wish to buy her a car to ease her movement and that of your children even when you have none, then it’s wise to buy the car in your own name first, then hand her the car. It’s your car but she’s the temporary owner, pending when you are able to get yourself one.

Never kill someone or commit suicide because of a woman

There are billions of other women on earth, do not because of one woman give up on living or  kill another out of jealousy.

After committing  so much both materially and emotionally into the relationship and she chooses another man, this can create instant rage, but be emotionally intelligent enough not kill or die for her no matter the depth of your love for her.

If she leaves you for another man, give it time, you will definitely heal and find another woman that will love you truly.

Committing suicide or killing another person makes you the biggest loser, because she will still move on with another man whether you are dead or imprisoned.

Do not be over-submissive to her

Be caring, loving, attentive, understanding and available but do not let her dorminate your life in all areas.

You don’t have to be a ‘yes man’ all the time. Play your part as a man, be in charge of your relationship, if it’s not convenient to do certain things she requests you do, tell her ‘No’ and stand your grounds.

Do not act in ways that gives you off as a weakling or a fool that can be easily manipulated. Be sweet and also firm, that way, she knows her limit.

Maintain boundaries within your relationship and know the importance of emotional space. You have to balance your togetherness and individuality. Give her the freedom to be who she is and encourage her to become the best version of herself but do not lose your place in all these.

Do not go out of your way to commit crime just to meet her needs

Some men have taken to all kinds of social vices from robbery, kidnapping, 419 and many illegal businesses just to provide for and  impress their women. These men put themselves under unnecessary pressure just to meet up with their women’s financial requests.

They do anything including stealing and starving their parents just to impress thyeir women. Some go as far as training girlfriends in school, sending them on oversees trip, and shopping sprees while their own siblings and parents are home without enough to cater for their own needs. 

When these men get caught by the long arm of the law for their crimes, they are left financially drained. Sometimes, these women they are trying to please abandon them and just move on with another brother.

Men, fall in love, it is a beautiful feeling but take your brain along with you.

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