
Saturday, 23 September 2017

5 Ways to Make Your Boss Love You

You want to become your boss’s favorite, you just don’t want to lose your pride in the process. After all, no one really wants to be known as the teacher’s pet. And kissing up isn’t even best strategy because it’s inauthentic, bosses can typically see right through it. So rather than revert to elementary-age kissing-up behaviors.

Below are 5 ways to make your boss like you

1. Demonstrate An Impeccable Work Ethic

Flattery will only get you so far, but what you do speaks long-lasting volumes. Respect is earned, so your boss will begin showing you respect when you demonstrate an incredible work ethic, the kind other people in the group should emulate. You can wow your boss by showcasing your passion for every project. You can’t fake this, It’s either there or it’s not, but passion and enthusiasm are traits bosses covet and admire in their top performers.

2. Be Committed To The Stamp You Put On Your Work

This means you’re at the office working late if a project deadline is approaching, or you’re checking emails on Saturdays. Because while bosses may say they want you to maintain a work-life balance, in crunch times they’re also looking for team members who go the extra mile. Whether it’s a matter of staying late on a Friday night or driving to the nearest shipping location because your mail room has closed, you’ll score extra points from your boss.

3. Take Ownership Of Your Work Even When It’s Subpar

It’s not always easy to admit when we mess up. But if you make a mistake, it’s important to own up to it as well as present a solution to the problem to stay on your boss’s good side. Many bosses will like you when you’re honest, and this includes errors. Take responsibility for your work and don’t point blame at someone else, then turn it into a learning lesson of how to handle the situation better next time to prevent errors in the first place.

4. Demonstrate You’re A Team Player

Being popular among your peers will earn you popularity points with your boss too. When bosses extend job offers, they’re typically looking for someone who plays well in the sandbox. They don’t want to hear you’re bringing down morale or that you’re a trouble maker stirring the pot. Be well-liked among your teammates, be helpful and in turn, that will trickle up to your boss.

5. Become A Subject Matter Expert

To be liked, you need to be needed by your boss. Whether the printer’s broken and you know how to replace the toner, or whether you figured out a reliable shortcut to an otherwise lengthy, drawn out process, your boss will absolutely love you when you become a valuable asset the go to person on the team.

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