
Thursday 7 September 2017

10 Ways To Deal With Sex Problem In Marriage

Many married couples struggle with a lack of sex or issues in the bedroom. In fact, it is estimated that one out of three couples has a sexual desire gap. according to research, happily married couples ranked sex right up there with communication, commitment, and generosity.

 If you and your spouse struggle with sexual problems, it might be time to focus on ways to improve your communication, your sexual chemistry, and perhaps seek professional help.

Below are 10 ways to deal with sex problems in a relationship

1. Choose A Time When You Are Both Alone And Not Distracted

Having a conversation about sexual issues can be difficult and awkward, especially if you are both feeling the lack of sexual chemistry in the bedroom.

Don’t spring the conversation on your partner when you’re having dinner at a restaurant or surrounded by friends. Look for a time when you are both alone, in a private space, to bring up the topic. A good time may be when you are both getting ready for bed, or after you have dinner together at home.

2. Broach The Topic Of Sex In Your Marriage

A big part of strengthening the sexual relationship between you and your spouse is maintaining open and honest communication between you and your spouse. Bringing up the sexual issues in your marriage will show you are trying to make sex a priority in your relationship, instead of an occasional occurrence.

Perhaps you have grown distant from your spouse or your spouse has grown distant from you. Regardless, be proactive and get the conversation started. Let your spouse know that you realize it’s important to have an intimate connection in a relationship, especially in a marriage.

3. Focus On How You Can Both Meet Each Other’s Needs

Tell your spouse that you realize you have both been unhappy with your love life and that you want to try to do something about it. If your partner responds with, Well, I’ve heard that before, don’t take it personally.

Instead, ask your partner how you can meet their needs, sexual and otherwise. Discuss what your partner feels is lacking in your sexual relationship and what you feel is lacking, as well.

4. Hear Each Other Out

Don’t interrupt your partner when your partner is sharing any feelings or concerns. Focus on listening before you respond or speak.

Ask if there are any specific issues or concerns. Try to get to the root of your issues. Don’t be afraid to be specific about your concerns, as this can lead to solutions to address them.

If your partner brings up a feeling of boredom in the bedroom, think of ways to spice up your usual sex routine. Maybe your partner is feeling exhausted by their workday, or experiencing a negative image of their body. Discuss possible solutions to these issues, like taking less hours at work, going on a vacation just the two of you, or taking up exercise together.

5. Set The Mood

This could be staging a romantic evening at home, with candles, a massage, and rose petals. Or it could mean thinking of a situation in the past where you were both turned on and feeling sexually connected.

During these moments, were you taking more time for foreplay? Were you having sex in different positions, times of day, or locations? Try to create a situation where you were both turned on in the past and may be turned on now.

6. Experiment With Novelty

Boredom is one of the major causes of sexual issues between married couples, especially when you both tend to fall into a routine or the usual go to positions in the bedroom. Discuss more adventurous positions or elements and be willing to try things you both haven’t done before to see if you both find them enjoyable. Don’t be afraid to experiment together.

This could be as simple as taking a hot bath together, or a long massage with scented oils in bed. Sexy lingerie can also be a simple, but effective way to surprise your partner.

You both may be interested in certain kinds of touching, different sexual positions, or integrating sex toys into your sexual routine. Look up positions or toys online, or go to a sex shop together and have fun browsing. Keep the experimentation fun and light.

7. Be Open About Your Preferences

Rather than be embarrassed by your sexual desires, focus on being open and honest about what you prefer. Let your spouse know what you’re interested in doing, or trying, so you can both work together to create a healthy sexual relationship.

8. Show, Rather Than Tell

It can be difficult to put into words the things that turn you on. Offer a “hands-on” demonstration and show your spouse what you like. Chances are, it will be clear very quickly what turns you on, and your spouse will be able to follow your lead.

Take turns showing each other how you like to be turned on. Be generous towards your spouse and focus on pleasing them. Your spouse should then do the same for you.

If the prospect of showing your partner what you like seems uncomfortable, or daunting, get an improve your sex life, self-help book and read it together at night. It will likely stimulate some great discussions and maybe some laughs.

9. Schedule Sex Dates

Though it may seem formal to schedule in time for sex, this can act as a form of reassurance that you will both make sex a priority. Try scheduling sex dates on a trial basis for six months.

Focus on meeting the date and getting together in an intimate way, even if you don’t have sex. This will help you to organize your time around being intimate, rather than trying to fit intimacy into your schedule.

If you find it hard to get in the mood during the scheduled time, start by cuddling together or flirting with each other. Give each other compliments or simply listen to each other’s day while lying in bed. Focus your full attention on your spouse and don’t let distractions get in the way of your sexual chemistry.

10. Schedule An Appointment With A Sex Therapist

A sex therapist is certified to help couples or individuals deal with sexual issues. You may be experiencing performance anxiety or impotency, or you and your partner may be having trouble sticking to a sex schedule or routine.

If you and your partner are having issues discussing your sexual problems, or if you have sexual concerns, it may be time to consult a professional.

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