
Wednesday, 23 August 2017

The Lazy Wives


It’s not written on their fore head but their attitude shows it. You are either a lazy wife in the making or you are already a lazy wife. No lazy woman will have a happy marriage, the earlier you work on yourself the better.

Lazy wives are dirty. To bathe at least once in a day is a serious work for them. They are too lazy to lift themselves to the bathroom, brush their teeth and have a bathe.

Lazy wives smell. They don’t shave neither do they take care of their undies. It takes hard work to be clean, look good and presentable.

Some lazy wives are fat. They have all the time in the world to eat four times in a day but too lazy to lift an arm for exercise. Lazy women gain weight rapidly because they do not exercise their body neither do they shed the excessive weight gain.

Lazy wives are poor cook. They are too lazy to find out how to prepare delicious meal for their family. They rush into the kitchen and rush out after mixing some ingredients together.

Lazy wives are wasters. They do not know how to manage resources. They would ratner waste money hiring some one to do their dirty job while watching movies from morning till dawn.

Lazy wives don’t know how to manage their husbands’ money when things are tough! Because she’s lazy, she would rather starve the family than cook a nice, delicious meal with #500 even in this economy recession!

Lazy wives are sexual disasters! A good sex life in marriage is hard work, discipline, focus and prayer. She is too lazy to do all these, so she starves her husband sexually!

A lazy wife’s house is dirty and unkempt. It doesn’t matter if they live in a mansion. She will turn the mansion into a dung hill while a hardworking woman turns a dung hill into a mansion!

A lazy woman is dull upstairs! She lacks the initiative to increase her intelligence through books, seminars, reasearch, mentorship and prayers. She makes no sensible contribution into her husband’s life. She is everything a man wants to forget!

A lazy woman has dirty children who are wayward and lack morals, their mother is too lazy to discipline them.

A lazy woman is a spiritual disaster. She is too lazy to read her Bible and pray daily.

What kind of wife are you? What kind of single lady are you? If you are too lazy as single lady to do simple chores, cook and clean your apartment, you won’t have a good marriage. Infact, you don’t need marriage. You are inmature and seriously need to grow up.

Marriage is not a play centre. It is a life time of responsibility and hard work. If you are too lazy to take your life serious, your marriage will end in the dustbin.

Wives will do well to step up. Men hate laziness with passion. Yes, he should assist you when you are tired but ultimately, the running of the home lies in your hand. You are the home maker, so get up and do your job, that s why you are a wife. Rememember, “A wise woman builds her house…”

God bless you. Cheers!

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