
Saturday 26 August 2017

For The Ladies: 12 Ways To Attract A Good Man

Attracting an honest, loyal and moral man is not easy in this day and age. Almost any man can fake being good for you, but truly trustworthy men can be found.

Below are 12 ways to attract the right man for you.

1. Don’t Play Games

You act like you’re not interested in him but then get mad when he doesn’t call. Men aren’t mind readers. If you want a good guy to stick around, you have to let him know what you want exactly.

Acting like you don’t care is going to pass across a wrong message, so the best thing is to tell him, or let him know how exactly you feel.

2. Respect Yourself

If you don’t respect yourself, how do you expect the guy to respect you? Anyone who is worth dating will appreciate a girl who knows her own worth and doesn’t settle for anything short of amazing.

If you’re trying to find a good guy by getting wasted every night and dancing with your skirt over your head, chances are that only douchebags will come knocking at your door.

3. Tell Him How You Feel, Not What You Think He Wants To Hear

I don’t want a relationship is what you tell him. I wonder how long it will take before he makes it official? is what you’re actually thinking. If you tell a man that you don’t want anything serious, then he will take that at face value. That doesn’t mean that you should start rambling about your dream wedding and how cute your kids will be on the first date.

However, it does mean that you should see how things progress naturally before deciding where you want the relationship to go. The only way a healthy relationship can function is if you’re both on the same page.

4. Be vulnerable

It’s OK to admit to a guy that you’ve been hurt in the past and aren’t looking for a casual hookup. If this scares a guy off, then he wasn’t right for you in the first place. A good guy will value your feelings and it will only bring the two of you closer together.

5. Don’t Compete With Him

If he goes out, do you also have to? If he didn’t message you all night, do you wait even longer to not message him? A relationship will never move along smoothly if you play the dating game while letting your ego get the better part.

If you really want to be in a meaningful relationship then it is important to be open and honest without competing with your man.

6. Have A Positive Attitude

Your attitude plays a huge role in creating your personal energy. Positive personal energy is what attracts positive people. Some people call it charisma, but great energy is that intangible factor that makes you attractive to others. A positive attitude creates the energy you need to attract a great guy. Get into the habit of cultivating positivity in your life.

A great place to start is with your language. You’ll be amazed the impact language has on our mood. Next, it’s a great idea to quit negative behaviors such as complaining and gossiping. It takes a lot of energy to do both. Also, your attitude is a reflection of your quality of life. A great guy wants to join a woman in a life that she loves not loathes.

Every day is an opportunity to attract a great guy into your life but you have to maintain a great attitude. Be mindful of how you feel and choose a better attitude every chance you get. It’s your choice to feel good or bad but you’ll likely attract men who feel the same way.

7. Don’t Punish Him For The Mistakes Of Those Who Came Before Him

Most people have been hurt in the past, but carrying that baggage into your new relationship can sabotage it. For example, if your ex cheated on you and you start projecting your trust issues onto your new guy because of it, you will drive him away.

Checking his phone when he’s not looking, getting mad when he doesn’t call back right away or assuming he’s going to dinner with a girl when he says he’s going with a friend is a way of setting the relationship up for failure.

8. Be Honest About Yourself

Embrace your individuality instead of changing yourself to meet the expectations of a guy that you just met. A good guy will love the person that you truly are and not the carefully constructed version of yourself that you have represented to him. If you lie about yourself to appear more desirable, remember the truth always has a way of coming out.

9. Be Compassionate

Being nice goes a long way. If your new man is having a rough day, show your support instead of acting disinterested. All too often we’re caught up in playing it cool, and we forget about the little things like being there for someone and listening, which can make the biggest difference.

10. Create New Memories Together 

Sure, we all have ex boyfriends that meant a lot to us, but constantly bringing them up will only make the new man in your life uncomfortable. If you’re always talking about your exes, it will seem that you’re not making any room for the good guy in your life, so it becomes likely he won’t stick around for very long.

11. Have Your Own Life

Having your own life is an incredibly attractive quality that will have the good guys flocking to you. Only an insecure man will want a woman who doesn’t have her own thing going on so that she becomes dependent on him.

But the good guy loves the woman that is totally fine on her own and content with her life whether she is single or in a relationship.

12. Be Confident

If you’re a confident female, then no guy will be able to walk all over you because you would never stand for that. Any bad boy you meet will most likely be frightened by your confidence, whereas a good guy will be drawn to you and admire it.

Credit: HelpLine

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