
Wednesday, 30 August 2017

8 Ways To Express Your Feelings To A Girl If You Are Shy

One of the hardest things to do when growing up is telling a girl your feelings. Unfortunately, it sometimes doesn’t get any easier. While telling a girl your feelings is tough when you are shy, you should always remember that she can’t read minds, and you’ll have to make a move sooner or later.

Below are 8 ways to express your feelings to a girl if you are shy

1. Take Some Time To Get To Know Her

Find out some things you have in common, and things you don’t. Things you agree about, and things you don’t. You and her could end up liking the same thing, and not even have had the slightest clue because she’s been hiding it so well.

If you don’t talk often, try and get her to initiate conversation. Hang out with her and her friends, sit next to her at class, and put yourself in a place to chat.

2. Prepare What You Want To Say

Think about your feelings and find a way to say them. You might write down a few lines, get together a quick practice line, or rehearse the conversation in the mirror. Spend time thinking about your own feelings as well. What about this girl attracts you? Why do you feel the way you do? What are your feelings for this girl romantic, friendly, confused?

Take some time to think about what you want out of your relationship so you can have a clearer idea of what to so. It can help to write down your feelings, potentially as a letter to her. You don’t have to send it, but writing down your feelings can help you get a handle on them.

3. Don’t Rely Too Much On Canned Lines

Preparation aside, you have to be ready to improvise when the actual conversation starts. This can be difficult if you are naturally shy, so don’t try and overdo it. Say what you want to say quickly, then let her talk from there. Your response doesn’t have to be planned, and it will come off more naturally if it is not.

4. Pick A Time And Place You Are Comfortable In

Make this as easy on yourself as possible by making yourself feel good. Pick a spot that you know well to ease any nervousness or talkative. Good spots generally have few people, are quiet, and are easy to get to naturally.

Don’t make a big spectacle by asking her to follow you to a romantic spot. A quiet hallway or corner after school is just as good a spot to talk about your feelings as any other.

5. Find Some Humor In The Situation

If you still feel shy around her, use a bit of humor to lighten the mood. Show that you don’t take yourself too seriously and she will feel relaxed as well.

If you aren’t naturally funny, that is okay too. Finding humor in a situation is more about finding the best side of yourself, even when things get awkward.

6. Go Ahead And Say It

The great secret to getting over shyness is just coming out and saying what you feel. It is not easy, but it is the only way to do it. Keep it short and to the point. I really like you, and I’d love to go out on a date sometime, is all you need to say.

7. Be Honest

If she is going to ditch you because of a little initial awkwardness, is she really that worth being with? Quickly admitting that you feel nervous may be the best way to break the ice, and she will appreciate your honesty.

What you are telling her is that you like her so much you feel shy saying it that kind of honesty and vulnerability is going to go a long way.

8. Prepare Yourself For Rejection

If she says she doesn’t like you back, it’s no big deal. Just ask if you can still be friends, and act cool. And don’t be mean to her just because she rejects you. It’s her choice, after all. And you may have just been chasing after the wrong girl.

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