
Thursday 10 August 2017

8 Common Sleep Disorders

Causes : High levels of stress ; certain medications; anxiety or depression. Drugs or alcohol abuse .
Symptoms : Difficulty falling asleep and then maintaining that sleep . While everyone has a bad night of sleep every so often , insomnia is a chronic issue , not acute . According to Dr . David Neubauer , an associate professor in the department of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Medical Center, a person needs to suffer from insomnia symptoms for at least three months straight to be diagnosed with the disorder . If three weeks of little rest feels like hell , three months must feel like being stuck in hell ’ s rush- hour traffic .
Treatment : Cognitive behavioral therapy and / or medication are often prescribed .
Occurrence : About one - third of all Americans suffer from insomnia. “ If you made a list of the most common sleep disorders in America , it would go something like insomnia , insomnia, insomnia , sleep apnea , insomnia, and then all the rest , ” explains Neubauer .

Causes : A complete or partial blockage of the throat .
Symptoms : Daytime sleepiness , morning headaches , and — as any person who has attempted to sleep beside someone with apnea can attest — excessively loud snoring . Apnea may cause you to stop breathing multiple times per night . Oddly enough , most people who have apnea don ’ t realize there ’ s a problem until someone tells them . Bob Russo , an IT software project manager , was diagnosed with apnea 10 years ago . He only went to a specialist after his husband not- so - subtly informed Russo that he wasn’ t getting sleep because of the snoring . “ When you live with something for so long , it ’ s just normal when you wake up with a headache , or you fall asleep in a movie . But those are signs. So when I read the list I said ‘ I guess I do have this . ’ I thought I was resting and feeling well , ” said Russo .
Treatment : The most common treatment for apnea is a CPAP ( continuous positive airway pressure ) machine, which keeps a person ’ s throat open via a steady stream of air .
Occurrence : About one in five adults suffer from at least a mild form of apnea .

Causes : Experts aren ’ t sure what causes RLS , but theorize that it ’ s hereditary. Medications have also been known to cause RLS . Pregnant women sometimes suffer from RLS .
Symptoms : An irresistible urge to move the limbs , not just legs . Often occurs in the evening or during periods of rest . Neubauer says that those who have RLS can kick or move hundreds of times a night , every single night .
Treatment : Regular exercise ; reduction in caffeine and alcohol . For severe cases, medication can be prescribed .
Occurrence : About 10 % of the population suffers from RLS . It ’ s more common in women .

Causes : The mechanism in the brain that prevents motor movement while sleeping doesn ’ t function properly.
Symptoms : Sudden and intense movement during sleep . People with REM sleep behavior disorder have been known to thrash in bed, jump out of bed, and even tackle furniture that may or may not deserve it .
Treatment : Medication is often advised .
Occurrence : Extremely rare ; less than one percent of the population .

Causes : Abnormalities in the parts of the brain that control REM sleep .
Symptoms : While people with narcolepsy can suddenly fall asleep at the most inopportune moments , most spend their days in a weird middle ground of sleep . “ They don ’ t have a differentiation between wide awake and sleeping , ” says Neubauer . Jenn Coleman , an administrative assistant in DC with narcolepsy , laments that she is unable to stay awake during even the most stimulating environments , like Vegas trips and concerts . Those with narcolepsy can also suffer from cataplexy , a condition that leads to fainting -like episodes brought on by emotional reactions to anything from a song to a joke .
Treatment : Medication is often advised .
Occurrence : Less than 200, 000 adults are diagnosed per year .

Causes : Lack of sleep or inefficient sleep . Some medications. Illness or fever .
Symptoms : Walking while sleeping . Other signs are difficulty waking and abusing Danishes in the middle of the night . “ One night I woke up standing in the kitchen over a mangled box of apple Danish , ” explains Todd Schultz , a 34 - year -old nurse and frequent sleepwalker . “ Apparently I got out of bed, walked to the bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush , and then brought it to the kitchen and used it as a fork to eat the Danish . ”
Treatment : Reducing liquids near bedtime. A quiet sleep environment and maintaining a regular sleep schedule .
Occurrences : Other than tales of assaulting baked goods , an interesting aspect of sleepwalking is that it ’ s most common in children , and no one is quite sure why . Neubauer ’ s theory is that it has something to do with brain development . “ There seems to be vulnerability when switching gears between deeper sleep and lighter levels of sleep , ” he explains . “ Almost like they slip gears and fall into sleep limbo . ”

Causes : Sleep deprivation , illness and / or, some medications.
Symptoms : Screaming and violent , short bursts of movement during sleep . When a person has a sleep terror episode they aren ’ t fully awake , therefore it can be extremely difficult to calm them down once they do wake up . Also , despite the name , sleep terrors and nightmares aren ’ t that similar . “ Nightmares have an emotional narrative; sleep terrors are often simply a very crystallized notion of fear and danger , ” explains Neubauer .
Treatment : Improve sleep environment , medication is given if the terrors are extreme .
Occurrences : Most commonly impacts children ; few adults suffer from this disorder . Those with PTSD are more likely to suffer from sleep terrors .

Causes : Most experts blame excessive stress and anxiety .
Symptoms : Headaches and / or a sore jaw when waking in the morning . Complaints from annoyed bedmates .
Treatment : Avoiding chewing any items that aren ’ t food , as it trains the jaw to clench . Most people with bruxism end up getting fitted with a mouth guard that can be provided by a dentist .
Occurrence : About 45 million Americans.

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