
Monday, 28 August 2017

5 Signs You Should See A Doctor About Your Pen!s

Knowing the signs and symptoms of pen!s problems may go a long way in preventing an underlying health condition in men. Genital problems can cause many men to worry if proper care is not taken immediately. Here are few signs you should see a doctor about your pen!s:

Discharge from the hole of the pen!s: When you notice a discharge from the hole of your pen!s, it is a sign that something is wrong somewhere. Experts described the tiny hole as the opening of the urethra which is the tube for urine and semen and not for discharge. See your doctor immediately when you notice this because it is usually a sign of infection.

Difficulty passing out urine: This is also another sign that you should see a doctor. Health line stated that painful urination is a common sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI). If you have unprotected s3x with an infected partner, you may easily get any s3xually transmitted infections (STIs) like gonorrhoea which can also lead to discharge if not treated properly and completely.

Itchy Balls: This is another embarrassing sign to get rid of without delay. I have seen some guys with itchy balls, doing it with style. Fine, it is not a serious issue but It is extremely tempting to itch in public places and it comes with a lot of discomforts.

Remember that continuous scratching leaves bruises on skin and itchy testicles increase the chances of developing an infection. Experts noted that the best way to control itchy testicles is to visit a doctor for a proper check.

Reduced erectile function: Erectile dysfunction is one of the warning signs of other underlying health conditions that can be quite serious in men. If you notice or feel any of these,  see a doctor.

If you have a very sensitive skin, use a mild soap and cream because some of these products can all elicit an allergic reaction that may result in pen!s problems.

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