
Sunday, 30 July 2017

Illuminati history: Foundation, membership and mysteries

Illuminati members were always an interesting topic in Nigeria. The history of this secret society has started long ago and continues till now. Are Illuminati real? Do Illuminati believe in god? Do Illuminati kill? Keep on reading to get to know.

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Modern Illuminati Order is a famous secret society, seeking to establish their New World Order with a unified world government and a cashless monetary system. Everyone in the community will be required to get an implant-chip for identification. The dissenters will be deprived of the opportunity to buy or sell something.

Illuminati history

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The secret society called the Illuminati and the question of its origin are not fully known. The most popular version is that the Illuminati is a big secret society that was founded by Adam Weishaupt in the second half of the XVIII century, a professor at the University of Ingolstadt.
However, this is not an exhaustive answer, since this date only indicates the beginning of the formation of the modern doctrine of the Illuminati. During this period of time, there was one secret society that was similar to Illuminati. In fact, the history of the Illuminati goes back to the ancient times. A lot conspiracy theorists see the connection between Illuminati and the Masonic legend, which goes far away till antediluvian times.

They believe that the Illuminati Order goes back 6,000 years when either extraterrestrial or otherworldly forces opened some priests Book of Authorities to the priests of Sumer. The book was captured by them in stone. Egyptian priests, according to this legend, became the receivers of this knowledge, copying books on papyrus. They have been keeping it in the strictest confidence up to this day.

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There is another idea, a more moderate one. It states that the Illuminati Order appeared in the Middle Ages as the Enlightenment secret society of scientists, fighting against persecution of the Inquisition. This theory names such Illuminati members as Galileo Galilei, Nicolaus Copernicus, Leonardo da Vinci, and Isaac Newton.
This is evidenced, in particular, by the book of the French journalist Etienne Cashier ‘Falsify history’. Sometimes there are allegations that the Illuminati are an alliance of a number of scientists who guards the secret knowledge against ordinary mortals. This version takes the ancient times as a starting point. At that time the pillars of ancient Greek wisdom were known in the secret society.
Are Illuminati Satanists?

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As evidence of the origin of order at the ancient times, we could say about the fact that at the fourteenth century there was the highest dedication of the secret ‘Brotherhood of the Snake’ society, which had the Latin name ‘Illuminati’. Regarding this society, B. Cooper said: ‘The Brotherhood of the Snake is dedicated to the preservation of ‘generations of secrets’ and the recognition of Lucifer as the one and only God’.
That Lucifer who was the fallen cherub, who rebelled against his God, was expelled from heaven and became Satan. Thus, the ideological core of the Order of the Illuminati is the occult and serving the forces of darkness.

Not at once the mysteries of the Illuminati were shown to the world because the real purpose of this secret society was carefully concealed. To understand the meaning of the doctrine of Adam Weishaupt (the founder of the Order), and what the ideology of the Bavarian Illuminati is, it is necessary to read the document, known as the ‘New Testament of Satan’.
Illuminati kept it in secrecy, and it became available only in 1875 when the Bavarian Illuminati courier was killed by lightning on the way from Frankfurt to Paris. Due to this occasion, the information about the global conspiracy has become available to the public.

In the XVIII century, the Bavarian Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt appeared ‘on the scene’. The first members of the Order joined the society May 1, 1776. It is hard to imagine, but the original Illuminati society had only five people, but it was developing at a fantastic rate: already three years later Bavarian towns had four branches of the secret society.
By the middle of 1782 the order consisted of about 300, and in two years - more than 650 people. By that time the Illuminati owned offices in Poland and Austria-Hungary, the Netherlands and Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, France, and Russia.

Elite Order had the prestigious aliases. Directly Weishaupt was nicknamed Spartacus, Baron Knigge - Philo, professor Vestenrider called dedicated, books trader Nikola - Lucian, Canon Hertel was known as Mariy and Tsvakk - Cato. The responsibilities were assigned to the leaders of the secret society: Adam Weishaupt personally recruited the most talented young people from their students to the order.
Baron Knigge acted in a different direction, recruiting, as a rule, the most notable scientists and noble people. He managed to attract a sufficiently large number of members, awakening in them the most ardent hope to reform the ruling government at the moment.
To show how influential the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati became, we could just mention such names as Prince Neuwied, Dukes Ernest II Gotha, Weimar Karl August Ferdinand of Brunswick, a number of Gottingen professors, as well as a famous educator Pestalozzi. In the end, the Illuminati form included about 2,000 people.

However, sensing the danger from the rising secret societies, Prince Elector issued a decree which imposed a ban on all their activities. As a result, during 1784-1786 Bavarian Illuminati suffered defeat, and their churches were closed. The police began to conduct searches in the homes of the leaders of a secret society, which helped to get the valuable information.
In particular, it was established that the Order of the Illuminati was secretly funded by the Rothschild clan. It pointed to the fact that such a rapid expansion and growing influence of the Illuminati of Bavaria was based not only on the ability of the charismatic Adam Weishaupt and Baron Knigge to recruit people but also on the broad financial capabilities.
Families of the Illuminati today. Knowledge, which is known only by a secret society
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Typically, the Illuminati belong to one of thirteen of the richest families in the world. It is the force that rules the world but stays unseen. Families of the Illuminati are the ‘black elite’ – they make decisions and define the rules for presidents and governments. There is no country in the world that would be completely free of their influence.
Their family tree is rooted in antiquity for thousands of years, and they carefully preserve the purity of their blood from generation to generation. Secrets of the Illuminati are known only to a narrow circle of people. Their power is based on secret knowledge and the extraordinary economic power. Illuminati have got the most powerful production and trade organizations, as well as the oil business and international banks.

The book of Fritz Spingmeyera ‘Illuminati families’ tells about all the leading clans of the secret society. There are thirteen most powerful families of Illuminati today, including Collins, DuPont, Astor, Bundy, Freeman, Leigh, Onassis, Kennedy, Russell Van Duino, Rockefeller, Rothschild and Merovingian. ‘Merovingians’, in this case, means all the royal families of Europe. Four more families are closely linked to the society – Reynolds, Disney, Croup and McDonald.
The secret knowledge of the Illuminati has created a lot of rumors, among which there are both true and frank fictions. Where is truth?

It is still uncertain. In particular, among the issues discussed by the conspiracy theorists, there are questions about the Illuminati agreement with representatives of an alien civilization about the usurpation of unconventional technologies (eg in the field of anti-gravity), carrying out prohibited experiments on humans, hiding important knowledge and discoveries for humanity.
There is an evidence of the huge underground bases (zone 51), which are under the control of some reptilian creatures and much more. However, even if it is true, it is extremely difficult to check out these facts. The needed representatives are ruling and they have enough resources to disguise and hide unwanted disclosure of some facts. However, despite the high level of secrecy, some of the mysteries, such as Illuminati symbols or Illuminati logo still become public.
New World Order

Increasingly, the prominent European and American politicians tell about the idea that the cherished goal of humanity should be the New World Order. Moreover, we are talking about the fact that there is no alternative path of the development. How close has mankind come to the New World Order? And what is the future of mankind according to the plans of the global elite?
Endgame - the end of the game

In 2007, American movie ‘Endgame: draft of the global enslavement’ appeared on the screens. It tells about the plans of the global elite on the future world order. Endgame is a concept taken from chess, which means the final stage of the game. In this case, it is the final stage of construction of the New World Order.
The most surprising thing is that even with the huge amount of existing evidence of the global conspiracy, the majority of people do not understand in which direction the world is moving. The secret world government is seen as far-fetched, abstract concept, born in the fevered imagination of conspiracy theorists. Such an attitude to this issue at the time cost the monarchs their heads, and the states of Europe were plunged into a bloodbath.
Today, the importance of understanding is bigger than at that time. In the past century, there was the idea of global control over the world. It appeared in one form or another, the Empires (Babylonian, Persian, Greek, and Roman) tried to carry it out. However, this control was still far from being a world scale, besides, it was apparent power.
War for the New World Order

This is the secret seizure of power by creating a network of secret societies, and the spread of their influence on all visible bodies. And if in the past century, the New World Order was a terrible idea, but in the second half of the 20 century, it has got quite real outlines, as it is a real war. What is the concept in general? First of all - it is a dictatorship, in comparison to which all the previous rulers look like kids.
The secret world government is a group of the most influential people in the world, controlling about 95% of the wealth of the planet. They are united by ties of secret societies and acting through a well-developed network of international organizations. They are known as the Illuminati, as well as the Committee of 300.
Here are the quotes, which characterize the New World Order:

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• Order wants to establish a single world government over the entire planet, with a consequent erasing of the geographical boundaries.
• The erosion of national identity, national culture.
• Prohibition of any religion and creation of a unified world religion that will be the object of worship of the world ruler-dictator (according to the Bible - the Antichrist).

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• The abolition of the moral values and the institution of the family.
• Reducing the world's population to 500 million (1 billion from other sources.) people. The rest people are supposed to be destroyed due to the variety of methods.
• Placement of the remaining population in the major protected cities. They are connected by highways. It will be impossible to leave beyond them.
• Implantation of the microchip to every person that assumes complete control over a person who is implanted.
• The introduction of the cashless electronic money system, because of which it will be impossible to buy or sell something without any chip-implant.
• The physical destruction of all people who try to express discontent.
• Providing total effective control by means of supercomputing systems with artificial intelligence.
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The above points are very specific plans of a narrow group of people who have decided that they should rule the world. Some of these points do not look functional anymore. What do you think? Is the New World Order of order is already here?

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