
Thursday, 13 July 2017

6 Habits That Negatively Affects Your Pen!s

Is your p3nis not only getting smaller by the day but it also shrinks, looks unhealthy, wrinkled and changing colour fast in an alarming way? then this article is for you.

A man’s manh00d is best represented through his p3nis, the p3nis is the pride of a man and it is automatically their biggest source of security as well insecurity but most men are hurting their p3nis unknowingly with different lifestyles and when these lifestyles don’t change they can cause permanent damage to the p3nis health. Below are some things you need to avoid as a man to prevent further damages to your p3nis.

“Too much consumption of some herbal supplements for general health, even if the label says “natural,” it may not be okay for you because if the content is not in adequate dosage and the potency is extremely high for your body, it may also not be too good for your p3nis”.

“Extra pounds, especially around your waist, and in your tummy filling down to the base of your p3nis, the extra fat can build up in or around the base of your p3nis and also inside the fine arteries of your p3nis or the capillaries this can lead to fatty blockage preventing free flow of blood in and around your p3nis and over time, it can harden and scar the tissue of the p3nis and you are also more likely to get your p3nis shirk, look smaller if you are overweight or obese even though you may not be able to turn things around but diet and exercise can stop the disease”.

“Are you a lover of soft drinks or alcohol? before you drink the next bottle, think of your p3nis because research shows that people who drink a lot of soft drinks are more likely to have fatty p3nis disease”.

“If you rationed your s3xual involvement, your p3nis will be the one to suffer for it, the more s3x you have, the less likely you are to suffer erectile dysfunction because your p3nis is in good condition, your p3nis is not only put to good use but regular good use, always remember if you don’t use it, you lose it”.

“If you don’t sleep well, your p3nis will slumber, men who get an insufficient amount of sleep will experience a lower level of desire the next day and a lesser ability to reproduce healthy p3nis and sp3rm cell”.

“If you have made masturbat!on your habitual lifestyle, your p3nis is gone already, addictive masturbat!on destroys the p3nis and makes regular s3x impossible, masturbat!on basically desensitise your p3nis to the point where nothing other than pornography or masturbat!on can make you reach orgasm, it over-stretches the skin out around your p3nis, so that the skin is loose and droopy, the balls are droopy, wrinkly, and mushy and you will not be able to get an erect!on lasting more than 75 seconds”.

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