
Tuesday 25 April 2017

Fairly Used Love (Episode 7)

Onyeka Michael was a young man who believed he was in full control of his emotions.

He knew his fondness for females had started at an early age. He was a teenager when he had his first sexual encounter with a female schoolmate and after the ‘delightful’ experience, he had not looked back. There was a string of heart-broken young girls in his past, and it was something he was not particularly proud of. He had seduced, convinced and lied his way between many pairs of female thighs, and only a final life-changing event had finally cured him of his lasciviousness. Thankfully, he had succeeded in putting that part of his life behind him and moved on to becoming a man he could be proud of. He had dialled down his urges and focused on his education, coming out of the University with two degrees in Accounting and a better control of his impulsive sexual behaviour.

But Doctor Chidinma Ude was bringing back all his old urges.

It was particularly surprising because during his philandering days, he had preferred to go after younger, gullible girls. The doctor was definitely older than he was, and with a teenage son to boot. Yet, every day he spent with her made his fascination with her greater. Everything about her fascinated him to no end- her voice, her skin, the way her lips twitched when she held back a laugh or smile, the sleekness of the bun she always wrapped her hair in….. She was like a splinter being slowly pushed under his fingernail, and he didn’t know if he could bear the tension till the clinical audit he had been hired for, was finished. He had to do something about it, or go crazy. What made it worse was the fact that he suspected she was just as attracted to him, but knowing her as briefly as he had, he doubted she would ever acknowledge that attraction or act on it. He was too young for her; all her deliberate actions were geared towards making that clear to him.

Age is just a number, bro, a voice leered in his head.

Onyeka ran a hand through his hair and stood up from where he was sitting, in front of Chidinma’s office desk, waiting for her to arrive for their daily work session. “Politicians. Bad food. Melting ice-cream. Numbers. Debit. Credit. Debts. Spiders.” Onyeka murmured the disjointed litany of words, picturing and focusing on each term as he paced around the office. It was a tried and tested method by which he managed to chase away sexual thoughts. It always worked. Slowly, he began to regain control of his runaway thoughts. Onyeka was relieved. He ought to be back to his usual efficient self by the time Chidinma reached her office and they…

The door burst open, interrupting his thoughts, and Chidinma entered the office, bringing in the smell of the citrusy perfume she always used.

“Right on time as usual, Doc. Good morning.” Onyeka greeted with a smile. Then he made the mistake of taking a deep breath.

The scent tickled Onyeka’s nostrils and he inhaled even deeper before he could control himself. Every brick of the mental wall he had built in the last minute fell away in an instant, pushed aside by the smell of the woman who tortured his working day and then his dreams every night since he met her. He bit his lip and started to turn away from her.

“So, how are we feeling this morning, Romeo?” Chidinma said shortly.

The tone of her voice made him turn back around. It vibrated with an anger he had never heard from her before. Her face matched what he had heard. She looked as beautiful as ever but that upside down V was visible between her eyes and her lips were tight with some unspoken fury.

Uh oh, this can’t be good, Onyeka thought.

“Um… I’m doing quite well, Doctor Chidinma.” The auditor said, eyeing her warily. “Are you alright? You sound…”

“Pissed off?” Chidinma completed, closing the door behind her, then leaning on it with her arms crossed and a sarcastic smile on her face. “Yes, actually I am a bit angry. But other than that, I’m fine.”

Onyeka leaned against the table behind him, his eyebrows rising. Whatever was wrong seemed to be major. “Okaaaay.” He drew the word out, then grinned to ease the tension. “So, do you want to talk about it? We can do some role reversal here, you know. I’ll play doctor…”

Chidinma scoffed. “Role play? You’re flirting with me? Really, Mr Michael? Haven’t you had your fill of that already?”

Onyeka cursed beneath his breath. Because of his growing attraction to Chidinma, he had been heavily flirting with other doctors and nurses whenever he heard or saw her approaching, just to make her a bit jealous. It was a juvenile tactic to get her attention, and it did not seem to have changed her strictly professional attitude towards him. With a stony face, she always breezed past him and whatever female was hanging onto his words, but now, his actions were returning to bite him in the butt. Whatever had made Chidinma angry seemed to be hinged on his flirting; she had never directly mentioned it before.

He sobered up quickly. “Okay, Chidinma. What is the matter exactly?”

The doctor’s lips tightened further. “I have asked you to stick to calling me DOCTOR Chidinma.” She didn’t pause for his apology. “And if you want to talk, fine. Let’s talk about nurse Yetunde.” She straightened up from the door and walked towards a yet-to-respond Onyeka. “She’s very pretty and a bit gullible, we both know. So just how good do you feel for getting what you wanted?”

Onyeka picked his words carefully. “Doctor, I honestly don’t know where this is going.”

Chidinma widened her eyes in mock surprise. “You don’t? I thought Yetunde told you about her pregnancy.”

Onyeka frowned. “She told me in confidence. I’m sure she expected you to be discreet as well. We… should we even be talking about this?”

Chidinma laughed and took another step closer to him. “But then how will I congratulate you on a job well done? I’m sure your baby will be beautiful.”

There was a pause as Onyeka stared at Chidinma for a few seconds. Then he snorted loudly. “What?”

Chidinma’s fury increased. “I know it’s all fun and games to you, but you know there’s a cuckolded fiancΓ© in the equation, right?”

You think it’s mine?” Onyeka said, his tone incredulous. A genuine smile bloomed on his face. “Seriously? Wow. ”

Chidinma laughed as well, but there was no humour in the sound. She crossed her arms and cocked her head to one side. “I’m still waiting to hear the truth, Mr…..”

Her words ended in a strangled gasp as Onyeka covered the small distance between them in a few long strides. Before she could back away, his breath was pouring warmly against her face. She opened her mouth to protest and he silenced her with his own.

For a few moments, Chidinma was frozen with surprise as Onyeka’s lips pressed down on her mouth. They felt soft, softer than she imagine they could be. Then his tongue flicked against hers and with a muted groan, she leaned closer into his embrace.

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